
Final Football Game? 2

Half time was over, and we were heading back up to the field to continue the game. We were receiving the ball this time as the Buckeyes kicked it off. I told Coach to let me win the ball to get a quick touch down, but he was worried someone might try to injure me. Everyone was calling the coach an idiot for letting his star quarterback receive the ball, which made him feel even worse, but I knew what I was doing.

As soon as I received the ball, I used GoldenEye to see three seconds in the future to know where the defense was more crowded and avoided them. I used a time freeze whenever I was close to being tackled and just mossed everybody on the Buckeyes team as I scored a TD. Coach sighed in relief as he was glad no one tackled me and gave us a touchdown.The game continued in our favor as the Buckeyes slowly lost the will to come back as I was pulling all kinds of stops, inception, sacks, and touchdowns. I was untouchable, and the whole country was watching this game. NFL and college football recruiters were eyeing me strongly, but I knew that in the future, I wouldn't be playing football as much as I was playing basketball.The game continued at this point. The Buckeyes knew that they had lost and had given up as we scored touchdown after touchdown until the game was over. By the time the game was over, the score was 62 -114. This was a shock to everybody because they knew the Buckeyes don't get run off like that but as soon as I went off using all my abilities they didn't have a single chance to come back, and that's how I wanted to go out on the final football game of my high school.We went out with a bang and did it in style when we were going back to the tunnel we were waving at the crowd as everybody was cheering us on. Half of the crowd wasn't too happy about their team losing, but the other half was thrilled to see a good game. We were passing by a couple of girls when they flashed us, causing us to all stop and have googly eyes.Coach quickly told us to run in as we laughed at what just happened then continued. When we got to the changing rooms, the coach had given us a speech and was even tearing up thanking us for the best season he's ever had in his life. The coach was very grateful to me, and the whole team even thanked me as they all came in and hugged me. I told him it was no problem, and we all went on to shower and get ready to leave.I checked out of the hotel as I met up with my family, and they all congratulated me on a job well done, and as soon as we came out of the hotel, there were reporters everywhere chasing us. Luckily we had security as they escorted us into our vehicle to go to the airport. One of the reporters was able to get a question out which was" how do you feel?" which I simply smiled and said "great " before rolling up the window and waving at everybody.When we got to the airport, I saw a familiar face which was Rihanna, so I decided to say hi to her. She had security surrounding her, so as soon as I came by, the security team stopped me, but then Rihanna recognized me and told them to let me in. Rihanna was pretty cool with me as we started chatting about random things she told me that I had quit the game and she was impressed on how good I was able to play and beat out the home team in such a fashionable way.I could only laugh as we enjoyed our talk for quite some time until it was time for her to go. She gave me her number and told me to call her anytime just for laughs and giggles as I thanked her. My family was shocked that I could talk to a singer like Rihanna so casually and even get her number. Rasta was begging me for her number while Opal was just starstruck because she also loved Rihanna and her music.I asked her why didn't she come to say hi to her, but she said that she was so shocked that she forgot to. I could only shake my head and told her that on her birthday, I would invite her over, which made Opal very happy. We boarded the plane and headed for home. Coach told us to meet him at the school when you got back to Maryland, so right after we got off the plane, we went to the school, and surprisingly there were a lot of people there waiting for us to show up to celebrate with us.They had a whole parade for the football team, which surprised us. The whole city came to celebrate with us, we were excited, and it seemed like nobody had worked that day as my family and I had gotten into an open-top vehicle as we rode down the road celebrating. There was music everywhere and people cheering for us. I had a lot of fun, and Isabella was sitting on my shoulders, waving at everybody.I found it funny because she was so cute up there after the parade coach had taken us to the most expensive restaurant in the City, and the restaurant had treated us quite well since they knew that we were the champions. It was quite a good day, and I enjoyed myself along with my family and friends. The football team had never had this kind of win, so it was kind of a big deal to the city to bring such a cup to it. Even though we had done that for the basketball team, football was a more famous sport at the time, so it was celebrated even more.

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