

During this weekend, I didn't do much; there was a small basketball tournament that my sponsors wanted me to play in, so I gladly accepted it, and it was held on Sunday. I easily won this tournament doing interviews after and giving my sponsors a shout out.

The tournament was local, with not too many highlighted players. My whole crew had signed up after I had told them about it. They came to play even though it was a 1 verse 1 tournament, and they heard that I was going to be playing but didn't get intimidated.They decided to sign up to play against me, in the end, it was Momba that I was facing up against in the finals. Momba has easily beaten thanks to my speed and unlimited shots. I won the game taking all the prize money that was offered for the rewards.I had to replenish my ever draining bank accounts. I also started talking to Sandra again; we were texting here and there, and soon after, it became constant. We kept texting each other until it felt like we were a couple again, but Sandra didn't want to get back too soon and decided to play hard to get with me.I decided to take a step back and slow it down for now and see how things go. As the weeks went by, our football team had become a top seed. It was a good way to go out on my senior year with two of our teams in Nationals, even though the basketball season was still going on we were undefeated for a whole month.The holidays were now upon us, and Isabella was excited to be spending her first Christmas in the states with her family. I had gotten her several gifts with Ivy; even though we weren't together anymore, she still respected me and loved me.I couldn't just push her away after she had my child especially having the child as a reason why I haven't kicked her out to the streets, but eventually, I have to let her get her place and help her set up a business so she can earn for herself and be more Independence. If Ivy were to get married to another man in the process, that would make me happy because I didn't want to be with her.Occasionally she would come looking for me for some fun, but I would have to put a stop to it sooner or later. Everybody was in the Christmas mood except for Rasta. He had broken up with his Spanish girlfriend in Cuba and was kind of down after that but got over it real quick after he heard they were going to Elk Mountain Ski Resort in Pennsylvania.We all packed up and were ready to go there for the whole weekend. It took us a few hours, but we eventually reached there. The place was covered in snow and was a beautiful sight to see. We checked into the resort as we had received beautiful warm rooms.Everybody was tired after the trip and decided to relax for the day. I headed to the gym to get some training, and I noticed they had a mini basketball court in the basement, which I decided to go and try it out. After changing into my sporting equipment, I made my way down, where I met a group of people playing a game.One guy was sitting out, so I asked him whether we could join the game together, and the group agreed to let us join the game. I was glad that none of them knew who I was since in my city I was practically famous. These guys seem like they never saw me before, so I decided to continue playing.At first, I wasn't getting any touches, so the opponents started to leave me open, once my teammates saw that I was getting open, they decided to pass me the ball and every time I got the ball I just shot it right away. At first, they were mad that I was taking the shot because they didn't think I would make it.They realize that I was making every shot even when I was not open. They were surprised by this and asked me if I was in the NBA. I laughed at this and told them that not yet, but I will be in about two years. They were surprised by this and asked me where I was from.I told them I was from Maryland, but they still had no clue who I was, so we continued playing the game. I shot the lights out until everybody got tired of me winning the games and decided to call it a day. I went back to my room, took a shower, and went to get pampered a little bit.They had a place in the resort where we could get massages, so I decided to take that chance to get a little more relaxed when I got there I saw that my whole family had already beat me to it and they were there just relaxing getting massages. I quickly joined them and was telling them about the game that I had just played, which surprised them.They did not think that there would be a basketball court in this resort. The day went by as everybody was relaxing and just getting to know the surrounding place and the history of the resort.That night Ivy had come to my room to have a little fun since we haven't hooked up in a while as soon as I let her in she pounced on me like someone who hasn't eaten for days. We made love all night until the morning when she walked out of my room with my t-shirt on.As soon as she came out, she ran into Flo, who could only shake her head as she quickly walked away. Ivy chuckled a little before making her way back to her room. The only reason why she left her room last night was that Isabella was sharing a room with Opal. She felt alone since she normally sleeps with Isabella, so she took this opportunity to join Eazy.After we all had breakfast, we went to go try out snowboarding; we had to get instructions on it first, so we took a quick class. The instructor was showing us how to maneuver and how to put on equipment, it was quite fascinating, and I wondered if I could use my abilities to conquer this sport too, but it was just a quick thought.I never thought of snowboarding professionally, but it was still a nice experience to try. When we got all finished with our classes, we finally got on the training grounds where we were putting on our equipment and getting ready to hop on the snow.It helped us as we had a trainer to each body; I started to slide down the snow path. I fell a couple of times, as did everybody else. Isabella was having the most fun as she was on ski's while everybody else was trying their luck on a snowboard.It was fun once we got moving, but once we fell, we were having a tough time getting back up. Luckily the trainers were around to help each of us out; we snowboarded throughout the afternoon until it was lunchtime when we stopped to grab something to eat.After getting some lunch to eat, you got back on the hill to snowboard some more, after a few hours we got the hang of it and was ready to fly on our own. Isabella was still being escorted due to being smaller than the rest of us.She continued to ski in the training area as we left to do our own thing. The first time we were on our own, we decided to hold a race that everybody was excited about. After I had one of the trainers set the race up for us.As soon as the guy put his arms down, everybody started snowboarding down the mountain; it was beyond fun at this point. The speed we were going was exhilarating, and the rush excited me. Rasta tried to crash into me, but I time froze him in place and shifted my position with him, barely missing me.As I unfreeze the time, making him crash to the ground causing us all to laugh as he lost his place in the race trying to get up. Surprisingly Opal was in the lead, and flo was right behind her.I wasn't too far off from Flo, and Ivy was struggling due to the speed she wasn't one to like speed like that, so as soon as they had taken off, she tried her best to slow down. She was nervous after witnessing the long mountain ahead of her.Flo ended up there first place as I came in second Opal came in third, and Rasta surprisingly came back to pass ivy to receive 4th place. Ivy was in the last place due to not wanting to speed up. We decided to go one more round, and this time the results were different.I had gotten first place this time after using my skills a couple of times. Rasta got second-place as Opal was 3rd, Flo was 4th, and Ivy was in the last place once again. This sport wasn't for her everybody could tell, but it was still nice to experience that for the first time.When we went back to look for Isabella, she still had fun skiing down the small hill. I felt like Isabella was even better than me at skiing. After we had all linked up to have dinner in the resort's five-star restaurants.While we were all enjoying our dinner, an avalanche had been set off, which came crashing down into the resort. Everybody was so scared; some people even thought that we were going to die. We had made it through even though we were trapped at least we had heat and electricity due to the backup generators. We spent two days stuck until a rescue squad came to dig us out. During those two days, we bonded even though Flo in Ivy started to talk again, Flo didn't want to hold a grudge after what had happened.Flo knew that life could be short, and she should take care of her ever-growing family. The person who did her wrong in the past no longer existed. We had missed two days of school, so when we got back home, we decided to take one more day off just to get our minds together after what we had experienced.My coaches were nervous after they hadn't seen or heard from me for three days, and since we had a game coming up at the end of the week, they were even more nervous to see that their star player was nowhere to be found.Eventually, I turned up on Thursday; they were so happy to see me that they even hugged me, saying I should never go MIA again. I could only smile bitterly as this was going on in front of many students.Isabella's teachers had called the cops to come to check upon us, and when they saw that nobody was home, they immediately put out a search warrant for us. They interviewed most of ours until they were able to get someone who knew where we were.They were able to tell them that we went up to Pennsylvania for the weekend and haven't heard from us since then. That's when they try to contact the resort, but we were not getting anything, so they contacted the local police station around the resort to check upon us.That's how they found out that there was an avalanche. Because of the avalanche, we didn't have any signal to contact anybody to let them know that we were stuck, but thanks to Isabella's school, we were saved before anything dramatic could happen.

sorry for the late releases but a man's gotta pay bills but I'm off this week so let's get it

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