
Finals!! $200K???

Finally, the day of the finals had come, and everybody was excited. There were more people there than in the other two days. The place was loud and erupting with cheers; there were less than a hundred teams left; they had to battle it out to get to the final.

The first game that I had to play was against a guy called John Wall, and he had a good crew with him. John Wall was the point guard, and DeMarcus Cousins was their center. I remembered both of them as powerhouses in the NBA in the future.I decided to take this game seriously, the game started and DeMarcus won the jump ball. John Wall quickly raced down the court, but Sean could not keep up with him, and he scored the first point. I told Brione to switch and cover John Wall since he's faster than Sean.Shawn was fast, but he was mostly stronger than fast, so Brione was the guy that could keep up with Wall due to his explosive legs. The game went on. I had the guys score at first so that it would be a fair match. We were tied up at 8 when I decided to finish the game off. I had Sean pass me the ball and shot the ball from the 3-point line.The man that was guarding me was caught off guard because he had not seen me shoot the ball the whole game and when I finally did he was caught off guard and forgot to jump up to block it giving us two more points, and we had a game point we just needed one more point to win.John Wall came down the court crossed over Brione and went at his fastest speed that he had ever gone, which I was surprised by this speed. I knew I could not catch up, so Rasta switched out to try to stop John Wall, but as soon as he did, John Wall lobbed it up the ball as Cousins caught the ball and dunked it with an alley-oop.The crowd erupted from the dunk, this time I brought the ball down to start the attack since we had the score only one more point to win I decided to use that chance to make a crazy dunk that I had thought of the day before. I had Rasta set a pick for me as I raced in losing my guy and just as I was about to jump up, I brought the ball back down as I saw DeMarcus Cousins trying to block my attempt to dunk it since he was in the air thinking that I was about to jump up.I went around him, and then I jumped up, trying to dunk it, but I hung on the rim, missing the dunk causing everybody to fall laughing. I was so embarrassed, but we were able to get the rebound as Sean passed it to open John, who shot the ball to finish the game.I had landed on my back after getting hung because I couldn't control how I fell, but I ignored the pain and got up to thank the other team for their match. John Wall didn't even want to say hi to me because he was too mad about losing all his money and not being able to continue contending since his team got eliminated, so he left the venue and went back home.The next match was uneventful. We blasted through them. The third match was a little challenging since most of the players on the team were over 6'8, they had so many blocks on us that I had to start shooting from far away from them and resulted in a lot of tricks thank God they weren't too smart otherwise it would have been a tougher match.I ended up scoring all the points during this game to win the game for us. They couldn't score any two-pointers, and if they could, I'm sure we would have lost that match. The games continued, then surprisingly Russell, Harden, and Durant had lost a game.This surprise everybody because they thought the finals were going to be against our team, but the team that they lost against was a bunch of grown men, I didn't recognize any of them from the NBA in the future, but they are doing pretty good for themselves.Their crossovers were pretty nice, and they could even shoot the ball very well and defend very well too. They worked as a perfect team and didn't have any flaws in their system; they called themselves And1. After going through numerous games, we finally arrived at the finals.We were facing off against the team And1 I finally remembered them a team that could do the amazing but weren't part of the NBA because they follow the NBA rules. The jump-off started we ended up with the ball at first possession, surprising everybody because we haven't been able to win most of them due to Momba not being around.Brione was excited raced with the ball right away after receiving it instead of passing it sean; as soon as he got in the lane, he didn't see that one of the other players had come from behind and plucked the ball from Brione. The guy who stole the ball was called The Professor.Professor surprised Brione, but his next move shocked him till his mouth was wide open. Professor had thrown the ball behind him as another player called hot sauce caught the ball and dunked it causes everybody to go crazy by the crazy moves they were making.This time it was going to be a longer game; they decided to play by the NBA rules and had set a timer for two quarters 12 minutes each, which I did not mind since they'll be calling fouls. I'm used to playing official ball, but these guys were having a hard time trying to play by the official rules because it seemed like they didn't know too much of the official rules.I took advantage of this and kept scoring, but they were also giving us a hard time with their tricks and Godly handles. Hot Sauce was unstoppable even though my time freeze ability wasn't too much help against him. The center was also bullying us all over the place, and by the time the first half had ended, we were down by 10 points.Iverson was having a ball watching all of this because he had brought this team out to play and win the money back for him. We started the second and final quarter. I got serious and decided to start using my time freeze more, but even with the time freeze, it was still uncomfortable to take shots because their defense was great and didn't give me any space.The And1 team was getting easy shots by either getting open or doing amazing passes while crossing up the defender they were also surprised by how good my jumper was, and I slowly gained their respect. I managed to bring the game to a tie with two minutes left in the game.I started to dribble out the time, and as soon as the timer was about to go out, I shot the ball from anywhere I had the chance, I felt like I had entered the zone as I was unstoppable to stop. We started to pull away from them in scores; I had given us quite the lead after some time.They too had been discouraged due to not being able to block any of my shots and watching me make them all, they started to give up, and Iverson was getting mad about this because he didn't want to lose out on all his money if the And1 team can win he would have given them only half of it due to inviting them over.The game had finally ended, and there were cheers all over the place for us. We quickly went to accept the big check once again and had even got some trophies for it this time. We decided to go to celebrate that night by going to an all-you-can-eat buffet. I ate so much food that I thought I was going to burst.Due to the number of people that came to watch the games, there was a lot of traffic around town, and due to the crowd, there were a lot of robberies too. A lot of gang members had shown up for the game and ended up making plans to rob my crew and me. I had no clue all this was being planned against me while we were having dinner.Just when we were about to leave, we noticed a crowd of gang members outside of the restaurant, and they were saying that we should give them the check; otherwise, they were going to have some fun with my girlfriend. Sandra was scared because she didn't want anything to happen to her, but I reassured her that we were going to be fine.I know my time freeze ability won't be able to defeat all the gang members, but it would be able to do something in the meantime before the police show up that is if they were going to show up. I quickly snuck into the crowd using time freeze and had taken one of the gang's guns and shot their leader in the arm with it. It was my first time shooting someone, so I was amazed that I was able to do it and was feeling sick to my stomach, but I held it in and sneaked back to my friend's side. The whole crew was shocked, and they started pointing guns at each other because they knew the shot came from behind and wondered which one of them had betrayed their gang. The gang had lost all reason to rob us, so we just left them there as they tried to workouts their issue, but for they could, the police started to show up, causing them to scatter like ants. Sandra had asked me what happened, but I told her that I have no clue what happened, and we got lucky to come off that alive. Sandra wasn't convinced, but she recommended that in the future, we're going to have to get security to watch over us. We made our way back to the hotel, and on our way, we met two more robbers, which I quickly got rid of by using time freeze and taking their weapons from them. We continued to celebrate that night at the hotel rooms.Sandra and I had our little fun. The next day I linked up with Iverson again, and we decided to have lunch with him, we chatted a bit and then we went our separate ways. We caught a train back in the DMV area. When we got home, we split the money-making everyone happy and then went about our business.

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