
Nationals High School Champions

At one point, but I was guarding LeBron, and he ended up posting me up down into the paint. I didn't ask for any help, so nobody came to help me out, and since he was bigger than me he just went up and dunked on me causing the whole crowd to cheer for him while my supporters were just angry about it, but all I did was laugh about it and told him that I'd get him back for that one.

He just did the Michael Jordan shrug and ran off to play defense. I still came down with the ball and passed it to Momba, who was in the paint. He did a quick pump faking, causing the guy to be in the air while he stepped to the side and did a quick shot. It was a pretty cool move that even impressed LeBron.I kept taking shots that were impossible for LeBron to block, and eventually, we were up by eight points, this cost LeBron to start getting desperate and not use his teammates trying to do everything on his own and when it was the final minutes. The lead had gotten even worse by 11 points now LeBron knew that there was no way they were coming back, but he still didn't give up.I decided to give everybody a show for the last game of the season and just us the clock was winding down we had the last possession with 10 seconds left, I quickly scored from half-court and had LeBron bring down the ball and just as he was about to past the half-court line, I time froze the place and steal the ball from him and just as the time return back to normal I sped down the lane. He had given up at this point because it was only 3 seconds left I rushed up to the basket and jumped with all my might and dunked it, causing the crowd to erupt.We won the finals, and I did it in style by doing my first ever dunk. My teammates ran up to me cheering because this was the first time they ever won the Nationals, the furthest they had gotten to was the semi-finals where they got kicked out, but this time I took them all the way and that only being a sophomore in high school.LeBron was crying because this was his last year, and he wanted to go all out with a bang, but I had spoiled it for him, but that didn't get him down. He came and greeted me and told me that it was a good game, and that last dunk was pretty epic and that he would see me in the NBA one day. I nodded and told him that we would hang out this summer, so we should keep in contact.He said no problem. He'll probably be heading to the NBA this summer so he would have to get ready for it, and we could train together during that time. After that I went to celebrate with my teammates and family, everybody had shown up so we all decided to go to Red Lobster to eat this time, even though the coach couldn't afford it.I told him that I would cover it so just this time we should go out to eat good food. We were in Red Lobster enjoying ourselves, I had invited LeBron to come to eat out with us, but he rejected it, and I knew that he was hurt from the loss we had won the game by 14 points, which weren't bad.Even the coach had gotten a little tipsy over there; this was his first-ever national championship, so he was going all out by celebrating hard. The other guys that were part of the teams were pretty happy that they were able to get it on their final year after that everybody went their separate ways. I headed home to get ready for the weekend, which I didn't have anything planned out, but I guess I was going to keep training for the other sports that were to come.The next day I decided to spend some time with Sandra as we went out to do some shopping and went to the movies and after got a hotel to have a little bit of private time. The next day we decided to head back home as I dropped her off with a cab and was thinking that I needed to get a car soon because I was tired of using a cab.Some cabs were pretty dirty, and then I went home and got ready for church. The church was the same as the usual pastor preached. The youth came together, and all congratulated me on winning the whole thing. I simply said thank you and kept it moving. The rest of the month was uneventful as all we did was training do a few tracks meets and soccer matches, and before I knew it, both of the seasons had ended, and we had quite a good record but not good enough to make it to the finals.We had lost a few games and meets, but I was not discouraged and kept trying. Summer was right around the corner, and I knew that there was a big tournament that was coming and was hosted in Philly once again this time they doubled the prize money from $100,000 to $200,000 so contacted John and Shawn about it and told them that they should be ready this summer because we're going to win the whole thing once again.They were excited because they knew that they had made a killing last time they worked with me. Momba had hurt his arm in that last match, so I didn't want to call on him, so I had to find a replacement. I asked the guys if they knew anybody willing to play, and Shawn recommended his cousin Brione to join us on that day and that he was pretty good.I remembered him from my past life and knew that he was pretty good. He had that Jamaican speed that can rival most of the people that I knew. I wanted him to join the team for next season after remembering how good he was. Still, I knew that he was going to a different school, so it would be hard to convince him, but we were this year's last champions. I'm sure a lot of people would want to join after seeing how good we were, and most importantly, the scouts will be there checking everybody out.

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