

The next day after school, I went to meet up with the track and field coach finally. We hit it off right away, and he told me that he likes my energy and that we should get started right away. He gave me a uniform, and I was supposed to join the group that was already running.

I stretched out and started to run around the track, the coach wanted me to do 6 miles, so I kept running and running and running. I wasn't tired. Still, my leg started to ache, and I even caught a charley horse at one point, it was beyond painful I thought this was going to be an easy experience since I never get tired, but my body was still aching since it was not used to running for so long.By the time I had done six miles I had just passed out on the ground not knowing that I didn't have to do 6 miles, but the coach didn't stop me while all the others had stopped at 4 miles, I was still going and didn't even notice.The coach just laughed at this and said I would do good in the upcoming season meets. We continued to chat a little bit before I left. Rasta had to come to pick me up because I could barely move outside of the gym. That night I couldn't even do my homework because I was so sore and mentally tired. I went straight to bed and fell asleep until the next day.I woke up feeling like shit because the pain was still there. I had to push to it and get ready for school; I quickly did some of my homework. I decided to do the rest on my way there, and when I got there and in other classes, before I got to the classes that they were due in which everybody was surprised to see me doing.I'm normally on top of it and when they saw me limping some even laughed but Sandra was worried and asked me if I was okay and that I should probably just stick to basketball. Still, I told her that my body is just sore and not used to running for so long.She reminded me that I had an indoor soccer practice today, which shocked me and reminded me that I did the schedule for that, so after school, I went to the indoor field and met up with the coach. The coach was a European guy that not everyone could understand what he was saying when he spoke because his accent was so thick.I told him that I was extremely sore from yesterday and that he wouldn't get my top performance today, but he said it was okay I need to run it off anyway, just hearing the word run made me flinch in pain. We got started, and he had me in the center-field playing on the left side as a defender.The pain I was feeling in my body didn't allow me to perform, so I just let them blow by me whatever they brought up the ball. By the end of the game we had lost to the other team in this practice match but coach wast able to see where I was able to play since I couldn't do much he told me to get some rest and that at the next practice he would want to see me in full power which I just nodded and thanked him for his time.I continued for the rest of the week until Friday was up when we had a basketball game. My body was slowly getting used to it. However, I was still in pain so that I couldn't perform as well, but I was still able to win the game for us coming in at the last minute to pour in some much-needed points for us to move on to the next round.We only had five more games before we can win the whole thing causing the whole team to cheer. After the game, we went to celebrate, and Sandra had come over to give me a message, which ended up turning into something else at the end of our time together. I called a cab for her to go home because it was getting late and went to rest and relax for the whole weekend.I stayed in just trying to recover my body from all the soreness of playing multiple sports this time. I had overdone myself, and instead of picking things up one by one, I had decided to do three things at once, which puts a lot of burden on my body, so this weekend I decided that I'll treat my body to some relaxation.I had gone to a spa to get a professional massage and even went to the sweat room that weekend. I treated myself and did all kinds of relaxation movements. Sandra had joined me for all of this, so I was not alone, and she truly enjoyed our time together and getting pampered by people who did this professionally. By the end of the weekend, I had fully healed from my soreness and was ready to get back to work.School had resumed again after the weekend, and I was back at it with multiple practices and training. The coach for the track and field team decided to put me on the long-distance team since I could run the furthest out of everybody on the whole team.The coach had shown me some breathing techniques and when to run fast and slow. Coach told me that it was all about rhythm and that once I get into the rhythm that I would be unstoppable and would not even notice that I've been running for a long time until I was crossing the finish line.I continue to get guidance from the coach; the coach didn't even let me run for that long on that day, and when practice ended, I headed home to prepare for the next day. The next day I had soccer practice, and they ran another practice game, but this time the coach had me as a striker out in the front of fields.I managed to score three goals, which excited the coach and automatically knew that I was going to be a superstar. The three times when I had scored were clear shots. Every time I would kick the ball into the goal som, something strange would happen like the goalie would trip when he was going for the ball. The ball would manage to just go in giving him a goal, and another time the goalie had dived for the ball and caught the ball, but the ball sent him back into the goal due to the force that came with the kick.Another time the ball had changed directions on him, and I was beginning to wonder if that was part of my skills when it came to soccer. I wanted to confirm it was true, but the game had ended, and I didn't have practice until the day after.There was a basketball game on Friday in which I dominated in the first two quarters. I shot it from anywhere and anyhow and managed to make the other team dispirited and had given up on the game. We won the game by 50 points and went to celebrate after; we had three more games before the finals, making them pretty pumped up.That weekend my church decided to have a small basketball and soccer tournament for the city. There were plenty of donations, food, fun games, and laughter. They rented out a park where they can participate in all kinds of games. I signed up for both soccer and basketball games, which were the youth versus the adults, and they placed me in both youth teams.The grown-ups had no idea that I was a basketball star, so they were in for a rude awakening. The basketball game started first since nobody was interested in basketball, there wasn't too much of a big crowd, and the grown-ups that were playing didn't really like basketball as much as soccer, so it wasn't too much of a serious game.I was the team captain for the youth since they all knew how I played, and after winning the jump ball, my center passed the ball to me, and I started the attack. When I was bringing it down, I noticed that nobody was at the three-point line, and they were playing zone.I don't know whether they thought that we couldn't shoot, but as soon as I noticed this, I took the shot and made it. They all had confused faces on their faces, but they continued to play. One of the adults brought down the ball as he was bringing it down. He had traveled and carried the ball, but we didn't have any ref, so nobody called anything and kept it moving.I knew they would do this in the game since they didn't know. There was too much about basketball, but they all they know is that they need to throw the ball in the basket so this guy carries the basket and passes the ball to his power forward, and he tries to muscle his way inside the paint, he turned around and shot the ball up.It hits the top of the backboard, and my team gets the rebound, I knew this was going to be a terrible game, and I wasn't going to allow them even to make a single point, so we started the attack again. I turned on my switch going full power on them by the time the game was over, the score was 80 to 2 which was a damn shame, but I didn't blame them because they were all soccer players, but otherwise that we were laughing at them for losing that badly.The adults finally recognized my skills and kept questioning me about if I play for a team or if I wanted to go to the NBA one day, but I quickly ran away to enjoy the rest of the event. I went to get something to eat and watch some of the adults set up a volleyball game.I started to get bored, so I decided to call Sandra to see if she can make it, but she told me that she was busy with her family, which made me sad, but I just accepted it and kept it moving. I went to go check out the soccer field for the upcoming soccer game, and that's when a familiar voice called me.

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