
Messy Interrelationships

Helce kicked the prone form lying on the ground, expending her anger. She just couldn't accept it with good grace. Why were they living so happily whilst she was suffering from one-sided love every day?

Helce breathed heavily from the sheer anger that wanted to pour out from her. She wilfully vented her anger on the Vampire King's unresisting form, who took her abuse with good grace.

From the expression on his face, he did not resent her for treating her like this. The sight of his accepting expression just made her angrier, causing her to put more force into her kicks. This pathetic man…!

She had already managed to somehow elevate him to the Ninth Tier, but he was still so useless in battle! He was only good for pretending like he was a proper Vampire King and doing some of her less important tasks!

Violent tremors wrecked her body as a few stray tears leaked out from her traitorous eyes.

The Vampire King, upon realizing that the Elf was no longer kicking him to vent her anger, crawled up and awkwardly patted her back. Helce was incensed by his actions, immediately kicking him away.

Who did he think he was? He was just a lowly slave! How dare he think about touching her?

Sometimes, she wondered whether the ritual she had carried out succeeded a little too well. How else could she explain how he still retained much of a thought process, even thinking about 'comforting' her? She didn't need comfort. What she wanted was for her victim to cry out in pain and unwillingness, reflecting what she was feeling inside of her heart.

Helce bit her thumb in a rare show of frustration. Taking out her anger on the Vampire King did nothing for her. The jealousy she felt was so potent that it even scared herself.

'This won't do,' Helce thought to herself. 'I have to report to His Majesty.'

As she thought about this, her heart wavered. Should she really? The fact that she was hesitating in her previously steadfast loyalty shook her to the core. Somehow, she just couldn't bring herself to tell His Majesty about their doppelgängers, as if speaking about it out loud would cause something within her to shatter.

She didn't know whether it was the unwillingness that people who looked exactly like the two of them could be happy together or if it was the fact that His Majesty would order their deaths. She didn't know if she could handle seeing a copy of His Majesty's self getting killed in cold blood.

There was a part of her that wanted to continue watching the two copies and see how harmoniously they interacted. A small, masochistic part of her felt like the two were living a life that she would never be able to achieve whilst the larger portion of her felt like killing them instantly so she would never have to see something that she would never achieve.

As she thought about it, shockingly, Helce decided to put the matter on hold first. The cold, indifferent Elf that seemed to much like a machine to the Elves, was displaying a rather humane part of her that hadn't emerged for a long time.

Helce chose to live in denial. She willingly ignored the fact that His Majesty's copy was able to defeat the Vampire King, who though useless, was still at a solid Ninth Tier that should have completely outclassed him.

As Helce departed from the room, the Vampire King crawled up from where he had been kicked earlier, his eyes flashing with ruthlessness.

Brushing off the dirt that briefly stained his clothes, the Vampire King's face cooled into an icy arrogance that was not displayed before the Elf earlier.

Much of the ritual had stripped his original personality bare, leaving him at the tender mercy of the Elf that had been before him earlier. The only thing he possessed now was the urge to serve her well.

Lady Helce, the Vampire King's Master, was not happy. He did not know whether it was because of the two fake copies of Lady Helce and the High Elf, but he knew that his Master likely felt the same way as he did.

How could someone stand having another copy of themselves exist in this world? It was the main reason why the Vampire King had attacked the copy that looked like Lady Helce earlier. How dare that fake carry his Lady's face? What a disgrace!

The fact that Lady Helce's copy had a lover that looked like the High Elf inflamed him even further. The words that he had lashed out with were a show of his real feelings, unforgiving and cruel.

The Vampire King did not even remember his name, nor what his parents looked like any longer. So much had been stripped from him that he had questioned who he was right after the ritual had been performed.

The only things that remained were the damn High Elf who was under his control, as well as his undying worship for his Master, Lady Helce.

The Vampire King could see how much Lady Helce adored the High Elf but couldn't bring herself to act on it. What she didn't know was that the High Elf, His Majesty the King himself, was under the Vampire King's control, and had been since a long time ago.

Had it not been for Helce who pre-emptively struck to take control of the Vampire King, leading to this strange, twisted cycle of who was in control of who, it was likely that the two Elves would have ended up together.

Though part of the Vampire King wanted for Lady Helce to be happy, another part of him whispered that if that happened, and he let go of his grip on the High Elf, he would have to watch by the side as the two of them were happy, and that just didn't sit right with him.

Somehow, he didn't think that he would enjoy that at all.

His eyes trailing after the departing Lady Helce, until she completely disappeared from view, the Vampire King only started moving after a brief daze.

His thoughts flashed back to the two nearly identical fakes that he saw earlier. Was this something that the world had created to fight against their plan to cleanse the world? Or was this something else that they had yet to discover the dangers of?

The Vampire King hesitated briefly as he noticed that his Lady seemed not to want to think about the fake, practically identical copies, but the Vampire King was not so easily dissuaded.

Luckily for him, she had not ordered him specifically not to do anything about them.

In this case, he was free to act. He just couldn't handle the fact that there were copies of the d*mn High Elf and his Lady Helce getting along so beautifully, just as he couldn't stand the fact that someone else dared carry his Lady's stunning face.

Sweeping out of the room, the Vampire King quietly but swiftly made his way to the Elf King's quarters.

Without knocking, the Vampire King made his way right to the Elf King, bypassing any securities that had been placed on the little house that he had commanded the High Elf to stay within.

Studying the Elf King, who looked just as repulsive as ever to him who had since reawakened as Lady Helce's servant, he noted with a muted satisfaction that the Elf King's eyes lit up when he saw him, rather than the blank expression he looked at his Lady with.

In a twisted sense, the Vampire King could feel that as long as the High Elf remained indifferent to his Lady, then their days would continue with the status quo.

"There are doppelgängers that look just like you and Lady Helce. Get rid of them."

The High Elf dropped to his knee, bowing his head, his blonde, glossy hair, so representative of the Elves, swept down, hiding his expression.

"As you will it, my King," the High Elf said, his expression demure and calm.

Ahh, our bunch of colluding enemies have such messy relationships. Hope this explains some things about why they act the way they do.

I'm so sad that this story coming to an end soon. Thank you all for staying with me to the end. I appreciate all of your comments that helped to motivate me ^^

Rxelcreators' thoughts
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