
The Decision

Yhuna went back home to Martin's house.

She talk to Martin's parents about meeting up with her mother. They both agree instantly. She never have any incidents or disagreements with Martin's parents. They are easy to talk with and open minded to everything..

While her parents are the other way around. They have to be certain at everything....

They have entered the Perez home...

"Please take a seat... " Yhuna's mom Mary said.

"Thank you! " both Martin's parents replied.

"I want to talk to the two of you, Beth and Will about Martin and Yhuna's situation" Mary, Yhuna's mom started... but was cutoff... by Will, Martin's father...

"I know they arw still young at the age of 17 but what cam we do if they are inlove and now having a baby... Is a blessing you know! ""We are not against them nor having the baby... If you are against their relationshil my son surely knows where he stands and what's at stake.. He surely will marry your daughter!"Will said without a pause. "I highly doubt he can provide well to my daughter's needs..." Mary replied with a grunt. "It's okay mom. I love staying at their house and I have no problem with Mama Beth and Pa Will... they are understanding and helpful at all times" Yhuna said with a warm smile. "If you think you can live a life like that forever... So be it... don't come running home crying you missed having things done for you or foods you love to eat in best restaurants... " Mary said."I talk to her dad already and we have to settle the wedding as early as possible.. before her tummy grew big... "Mary said facing Beth and Will. "That's fine with us, but we should do the Civil Wedding first... and plan the Church wedding after... If that's okay to the two of you? "Beth said looking at Martin and Yhuna. "Why are you asking them, they have no say to this" Mary said. "They are still Teenagers... "she continue... "With our consent, they are to be married so they should have a say on this... it's their wedding.. right? "Beth look intently to Mary while saying this words.

Mary didn't say anything. She can't win an arguement with this reasons...

She don't like the attitude Beth is showing yet she has nothing to do, It's her daughters wish to be in this family.. so be it...

The plan of marrying Marti. was soon approve by the whole Perez Clan since they found out about Yhuna's pregnancy..

Some even got mad. Some said foul words towards her... Some even insulted her..

But Yhuna didn't mind at all. She just smile and pass them by...

Her cousins sympathizes her... even her closest cousin Kimmy... "be strong dear cousin... for now they will hate this idea of you rebelling against their wishes but someday they will understand and accept this... "Kimmy hug her while saying this. "Actually I don't mind Kimmy... I may have all the richness in the world before but I'm not completely complete... I found a guy whom I dream of staying with forever,whom Im comfortable, whom I love the most... That's good enough for me.. "she said in a calm voice...

So the wedding date is settled by both sides and agreed...

Yhuna was so excited...

She knows her parents won't send any money for her since she choose to live life with Martin. So she have to be contented on what is given for her by Martin's family.

Yhuna was surprise as she went upstairs to their room. (Martin and Yhuna's room😊)

"I bought you this? "Mama Beth give her a box with a ribbon on... "I hope it fits you! a wedding happens just one's, so hopefully you'll cherish it as long as you live! " she said and hug her... leaving the room.

Yhuna came closer to the box and about to cry. How good life is to her.. She may have everything before, Now.. she may not have everything but atleast she is learning that in simple things comes true happiness...

She opened the box and found a simple plain white dress but looks expensive... the fabric is soft and cottony... then a pair of white sandal with a heart diamond design.

She was contented at these..she believe.. that whatever you wear as long as you are confident with it, it will always be comfortable and will always looks good on you..

Martin entered the room, he thought Yhuna is in pain,seeing her about to cry..

"babe, what's wrong? are you hurt?" saying this while checking Yhuna up..

"no babe! I'm fine... It's just Mama Beth bought me this for our wedding... "she said smiling... "Then why are you about to cry? " He said wasn't convince on Yhuna's explanation.

"Babe, I know my life isn't as what it is use to be before... but your mom bought me things she shouldn't have... Im happy for everything you have done for me... just to be contented on this babe! " she said hugging Martin. "Hope this won't last... You and Me together... " she kiss Martin on the lips...

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