
Flight or fight?

Thursday have a different schedule than normal, Instead of two classes in the morning we have only one, but it is also the only day we have classes at night. Because of that, I have to change my schedule a little; I will practice a bit of magic in the morning, in the time that would be our first class, as I won't have time for that since I have astrology lessons today.

It's also the only day all houses have classes together, I think it's because both classes have more practice than theory. And speaking of practice, I really wanted to try the tripping jinx I learned yesterday, so I used it… on myself, surely not one of my brightest ideas, but hey, it worked, so that's something.

After that, I talked a bit with Ophelia, the prefect on the portrait. When I complained about having a lot fewer classes than I thought, she said that happens only in the first year, on the second we have afternoon classes and third year onwards we also have electives, so our time will be packed. Now that's looking more of a school to me.

I went with Anthony and Padma to eat breakfast, they are the ones I talk the most among the Ravens, and recently Anthony said he will also join the study group if I really make it. After eating we talked a bit and went to our first flight class, while I'm excited, they are a bit nervous; Padma has height fright and Anthony doesn't like any kind of sport.

Our flight teacher is called Rolanda Hooch, more known by Madam Hooch; she is also the referee for the Quidditch matches. She had short white hair. The four houses train together, but we are still a bit separated in a way that each house faced another one, Ravenclaw faced Hufflepuff and Gryffindor faced Slytherin.

"Welcome to your first flying lesson." She started, "Well, what are you waiting for? Everyone step up to the left side of their broomstick. Hurry up." As we did so she continued. "Stick your right hand over the broom and say 'up'."

When I put my hand over the broom, I felt it trying to make a connection with me. Using my magic I accept the connection and say 'up', and doing so the broom immediately shot to my hand.

Other than me, only two people could immediately get it right. Draco Malfoy from Slytherin, and Harry Potter from Gryffindor. Hermione was quite vexed because her broom didn't even move a bit, but not as vexed as the redhead Ron Weasley, he was the loudest there, and I guess even his broom was getting fed up, as it went up, but not to his hand but to his head instead.

After a while, everybody could summon their brooms, Madam Hooch continued, "Now, once you've got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it and grip it tightly, and you don't want to be sliding off the end."

Every student mounted their broom. "When I blow my whistle I want each of you to kick off from the ground hard, keep your brooms steady, hover for a moment, then lean forward slightly and touch back down." Seems simple enough I thought.

She did a three-second countdown and blew her whistle. The exact moment she did it, Neville started to fly, but he didn't have the control of his broom, and as he was trying to get down, he instead got up. As panic got him, he lost even more control and started to shake in the air, he even did a Three-sixty! After that, he started to hit the castle walls, until he was stopped by a statue that held him by his robes. Luck wasn't with him today, because after that his robes started to tear, and he fell from it, he was held again by an unlit torchbearer, but fell from it too, breaking his arm.

As Madam Hooch had to take Neville to the hospital wing, she threatened us telling that if she sees a single broom in the air, the one riding it would find themselves out of Hogwarts before they could say "quidditch".

Little after she went out, Malfoy started to mock Neville, he took a transparent ball from the ground, it was a remember ball. I guess I will stand up for Neville as he already got my respect, even if it was just a little bit.

""Give it here Malfoy."" Surprisingly I and Harry Potter said the same thing at the same time. We looked at each other and smile. Malfoy sneered at us, "Oh, the great Harry Potter is friends with our little Prince? The boy who lives? More like The boy who bowed." He took his broom and shot up saying that he will put Neville's remember ball in the roof and taunted us again.

While, I don't really care if someone talk shit of me, if it's on my face I will do something about it and if he even has the audacity to shame someone because of me in front of me as well? Hmph, I won't let it go cheap. I looked at Harry's eyes, and we nodded. Both of us went to Malfoy. Leaving everyone baffled. Hermione and Padma called us Idiots.

As both Harry and I flanked him, Draco instead of returning the ball, just threw it away, Harry readily went to take the ball while I confronted Draco alone. "I don't understand Malfoy, why are you such an arrogant git? For what I can see you're just a daddy's little boy who has nothing to his name except your ancestor's blood. You think do you have power? Do you even know what power is?"

He exploded, "What do you even know!? You think you're great just because you're a prince, a muggle prince at that!? It's you that don't know what power is! Do you even know who my father is!?" his face was red. "See? That's what I'm talking about, it's ever your father this and your family there I may not have had much contact with you, but I've already seen how you treat people, and how it was to be the heir of the Malfoy family, you're nothing."

That made it, he took his wand and started to throw jinxes at me, I didn't even retaliated, it would be too easy. I start to dodge everything he took at me. People like him like the attention, so I will take even that from him, I stand up on my broom and started to dodge every spell again, but this time with just my body, leaving my broom fixed in one place. I have a great sense of balance so it's still too easy. His face was becoming redder at each passing moment, "Can you see now Malfoy? You had a lot of time to train how to do spells or even ride a broom, but you can't even touch a strand of my hair. You're the worst kind of rich kid. The kind that doesn't know how big is the world, just a frog in a well. Take away your family and you're nothing, just a brat with an inflated ego. If someone has all the money, power and connections your family has and actually uses it to improve himself, that's someone worthy of respect, but you? Who just uses the name of your ancestors for being a bully? Well until you take out the stick in your ass, you're just a barking dog." Everyone went silent, I guess I said a lot, but to be honest, it was needed, now there are two things that can happen, one he will realize that he is a prat, the second he will take enmity with me and ignore everything I said. We all know that it will be the latter.

Yeah, he chose the latter, I already can see pure hate in his face, he didn't even talked back and started to send jinxes at me again, and as I started to think that maybe it would be worth fighting back. Harry came back with Neville's remember ball. He didn't even have time to commemorate as Prof. McGonagall came with Prof. Flitwick and Prof. Snape.

"Mr. Potter, Mr. Pendragon, and Mr. Malfoy, the three of you will come with us, I wouldn't believe in this if I hadn't witnessed it myself, Two students dueling in a broom in the first week of school." She was livid, "And I expected much more of you Mr. Pendragon."

"Calm down Minerva, I'm sure they have their motives." Said Prof. Flitwick. "Now come you three, we have to discuss what happened and what will be your punishment."He continued. Snape just glared at Harry the whole time.

I will try to explain what happened, we have a lot of students as witnesses as well, and the fact I didn't fight back will help my case as well, so I'm quite confident that nothing too bad will happen.


This didnt fit the authors note, so...

I realized I made a hole to myself in making they have few classes like that, it doesn't make sense if you compare with the plot in the third book with Hermione almost having no time because of classes, so I made that only in the first year it will be like that, hope its ok to fix something this way.

Just got back from an interview for a vacation internship. Wish me luck guys~

I thought a lot of what would happen in this chapter, and I guess making Luke a bit more proud was a good choice, he won't really accept that someone bullies the weak, or even talk shit with him, but if it can he will fight with face slaps~

Give me your thoughts on the chapter as it really helps mold the story.

Thanks for reading and commenting.

Hope you enjoy o/~

Ramzawingcreators' thoughts
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