
Plans And Ideas

Draco remained a silent observer as events unfolded, granting those with words the opportunity to express themselves without interruption. Of course, those brought back were not limited to the friends and family of the core members. Everyone who had unjustly died during the Lineage wars as well as those who had been hunted down by Pangu members after splitting had been ressurected by Xela. 

Of this group, a large amount belonged to those from the 3 branches that had completely broken off from the Lineage after that event. After being informed about what was happening now, their expressions became complex. 

While it was true that the Lineage had greatly disappointed them, it was also a fact that their leave had weakened an already crippled Lineage, further preventing them from banding together to repatriate Draco at a young age and rather being picked off one by one in isolation. 

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