
The Clash of Destiny 1

"Shangtian, Shangtian, you fool. Instead of running away to hide in a pile of shit and make that your den, you dare to come here to challenge us?" Draco asked with a playful smile on his face. 

"He's already a pile of shit, living in one would make him disappear, and he fears that." Eva added by the side, with folded arms and a nonplussed expression. 

"The two of you can spout nonsense all you want, but at the end of today, I will have cracked that fucker's skull open to use it as my future toilet, and once I'm done with you, bitch, your three holes will have been turned into three canyons." Shangtian countered as he manifested his three Martial Spirits. 


He blasted forth like a cannon, brownish energy coating his fists as he struck down upon Draco and Eva at the same time. The Evil Duo blocked using their bare bodies, which turned out to be a mistake since their arms turned into bloodmist, and they got punched into the distance. 

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