
Leaving the Night.

Armand lifted his brother's body and laid his head on his lap, wiping the blood from Marcus's face with the sleeve of his shirt. He checked his pulse several times, but did not hear the desired heartbeat.

"Stubborn fool, you always do everything your own way," the man smiled, tears were frozen in his eyes. When you are immortal, the sense of time gradually fades away. And you stop worrying that every minute can be the last. Why does life teach people to appreciate it by giving them such cruel lessons?

"Dad," Sean pulled cautiously on the sleeve of David's T-shirt while the man was holding the crying Elena. "He gave me this," the boy opened his clenched fist, in his palm was a broken chain with two wedding rings.

David pulled the boy closer and hugged him tightly, "This thing was very important to your grandfather. Keep it."

The boy nodded, although he did not quite understand why to give what is dear to you to someone else? Although, if Ashley asked him, he would give any of his treasures to her without any question.

Sean looked up at the tall stone slab that gleamed with a faint silver light. This light was like the embers of a once huge and hot fire that could illuminate the world even in the light of the sun.

"I hear a voice. This voice wants to take him," said the boy, not taking his eyes off the gates of the gods.

A small silver trickle separated from the wall and flowed towards Marcus lying on the ground.

"Dont touch him!" Elena cried out, jumped to her feet and blocked the path of the strange substance, "You have already taken Nick, I won't give you my dad!" Her mom didn't even have a grave, just someone else's tombstone. If her father disappeared like that, then she would not have a place where Elena could mourn her parents.

The liquid froze for a moment, and then moved to the side, bending around the woman.

"I said no!" Elena stepped right into it.

The substance stepped back, the small shapeless ball began to grow in size. It grew taller and taller until a figure appeared in front of the woman. The silhouette of the creature was blurred, it was about two meters tall. Elena lifted her head, his broad shoulders obscuring her view.

"Please," she whispered in a pleading voice. The creature shook its head, took a step forward, and passed through the woman as if she were an illusion.

Elena turned around and tried to grab the unknown creature by the arm, but her palms felt nothing. The creature was visible, but its body was intangible.

It immediately lost its shape, again turning into liquid plasma. Its tentacles touched Marcus's body, wrapped him from head to foot, and dissolved with him, disappearing behind the surface of the gate. The stone slab flared one last time and went out. The kukri blade crumbled in black ash. An ordinary rock remained from the gate, in the center of which there was a deep crack, dividing the monolithic slab into two halves, like a broken door.

A warm breeze touched Elena's face, ran over her wet cheeks, ruffled her hair. The hot sun enveloped the body, but the heart was frozen in ice.

A motor noise was heard from afar. A couple of minutes later, an approaching car, painted in dark green, appeared. The car stopped a few meters away, and a man dressed in a military uniform got out.

"Good day. My name is Captain Mendez and I represent the special forces of the Republic of Peru. According to the defense protocol, Mr. Marcus Taubert has ordered to take care of your safety, and in case of an emergency, to ensure that everyone present can freely leave the country. A private jet has been booked for you at the nearest airport on behalf of MarcTechnologies. Are you ready to proceed to the airport?"

The officer looked at the foreigners with impatience, he received this task from the very top. The military cordoned off the nearby territory two days ago, and recently something obviously paranormal happened here.

He himself saw how his soldiers lay on the ground, hunched over in painful agony. But Captain Mendez knew it was not in his best interest to ask detailed questions. Whatever happend here, it's good that it was over.

"How did you know that we are here and why you came right now?" David specified.

"We have a protocol developed by Mr. Taubert. Mr. Brian Richards contacted my superiors and informed them what point of the protocol to act on," the officer tried to look around without attracting attention but saw no one else. Although according to the protocol, there should have been at least one corpse for export. He did not ask about it.

"There are more people here than we have been notified of. I hope you don't mind getting into the same car? There should be enough space."

Elena looked at her husband with moist eyes, David smiled sadly and squeezed her hand in his hand, "Okay. We are grateful to Mr. Taubert for his concern. Take us to the airport, please."

They knew they could move home in a split second if they asked Sean. But they did not abandon the care of the one who sacrificed his life for their future.

Before sitting in the car Armand glanced at the stone rock, 'You have always taken care of us from the shadows, brother. Even now, you are true to your principles. I hope your soul finds peace. You deserve it.'

. . .

One week later.

Daniel had been standing outside the door of Arman's apartment for half an hour, but the old man had not opened it. "Armand Taubert, damn you, open the door quickly!" Anderson slammed his fist against the metal surface with all his might.

Half a minute later, the keyhole clicked, and Armand's unshaven face, along with alcohol fumes, appeared in the opening. "Are you tired of living? Why are you waking me up so early?"

Daniel wrinkled his nose, pushed the door open, and went inside without hesitation. Surprisingly, the apartment was clean. This antimicrobial pedant did not betray his principles even while being drunk.

"Armand, you are now an ordinary person, so you cannot disregard your health so much. Alcohol doesn't solve problems."

"God, little boy Daniel, have you come here to preach me? Maybe you got to the wrong address?" Armand walked into the kitchen and took out a can of beer from the refrigerator, "I'm three times your age."

"It doesn't seem so if Polina asks to look after you in her absence," Daniel snapped back.

"I think you already have someone to look after," Taubert sat down on the sofa and turned on the TV.

For a week now, the channels have been broadcasting about the same thing. World news and talk shows were captured by an unexplained phenomenon that happened earlier in the year when people across the planet noticed strange flashes of light in different places ranging from the great pyramids to the ice of Antarctica.

Business news raged, savoring the merger of MarcTechnologies and LenaliEnterprise.

"The news of the merger created a lot of hype. David needs your help. Elena is now unable to do business. The media and governments formerly controlled by Marcus are beginning to ask questions about where he went.

Simon is using leverage over them, but it will take some time to calm everyone down. I know you don't like being exposed to the public, but now we need your help," Daniel put his hand on his friend's shoulder and patted him, "Come back. The unshaven face doesn't suit you, Armand Taubert."

The front door closed quietly and Armand stared at the TV. He thoughtlessly flipped through the channels until he got on the live broadcast of the concert.

"Dear viewers, just look at how many thousands of people have gathered in the hall today! This is the first big concert by the world-famous singer Lina Jones! She appeared today in a new image. And now she will share her new song with us!" The TV presenter shouted joyfully into the camera, "This is exclusive! Only in our live broadcast! All attention to the stage!"

The camera captured a close-up of the scene. The lights were extinguished, and only the fragile figure of the girl standing in the center stood out in the dark space. She was dressed in a simple light-colored dress with bare feet. Her golden hair fell in large locks over her shoulders, hiding her face down.

The hall was buzzing with impatient applause. Lina raised the microphone to her lips, and there was instant silence. A faint ticking of a second hand was heard in the background.

"I have never believed in heroes who sacrifice themselves for everyone. Everything is too incomprehensible and too large for one little person. Too hazy and immense. Too faceless.

No, we do not die for everyone. We walk into the void for the sake of those we love."

A warm and tender melody spread through the hall.

Armand closed his eyes.

"Ask the clouds in the sky

For a gift of dreams so white

We will follow leaving night

To the world of magic light - "

Polina came up with this lullaby as a child especially for Marcus, since after the death of his mother he was afraid to sleep at night. This song was their little secret, a treasure that warmed up in sad moments.

A tear rolled down Armand's cheek. He put the empty beer bottle on the table, took out his phone, wrote a message, and went to the shower.

In a minute the display flashed the answer: [David Anderson: Thank you. I'm waiting for you at MarсTechnologies office.]

Lullaby reference (Check on YouTube):

Polina Gagarina - Lullaby - With Lyrics (translated) (<- Original version)

or Aida Nikolaychuk audition X Factor (<- This girl has a great voice)


About 3 chapters left. Thank you for reading, guys.

Anya_Neshcreators' thoughts
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