
So I Can Monopolize You

Time passed and Davi finally recovered. She forced herself to focus on preparing the dinner. She knew that it had been nearly a month since she cooked for him, thus, she wanted to give this her all.

However, her peaceful cooking was interrupted by Zaki-in-disguise, Mr. Chen. His smile was wide as soon as he saw Davi.

"Hoho. So our young miss is slowly getting bolder, huh. Not bad, not bad." Hearing his mischievous teasing, the girl who had just recovered, blushed again. Ugh! This guy.

"Please don't tease me, Mr. Chen. I can't possibly beat him for real, okay?" she said and the man just chuckled mischievously as if he was enjoying the sight of her being shy.

"Ohh… how kind of you, young miss."

"Please stop giggling."

"Haha. Don't mind me young miss, I'm just happy and because I'm happy, I will tell you a secret about Sei." The man said and then he sidled up to her, his face full of mischief. Davi, on the other hand, was instantly curious as soon as she heard Sei's name.

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