

Underneath the fallen rubble was where the origin of all the rustling sounds echoing in the hallways of the empty shell of the Frigate-Class Ship named "Helios Sepia" painted and mostly unreadable but Rene could read it based on the ship's structure and framework alone.

He went and walked to the rubble with extreme precaution, aiming his rifle onto the rubble where the voice is coming from.

"Help...anyone..." It said again.

"Who is it?" Rene replied to the call of the obviously trapped synthetic being under all those rubble piled up into a mountain.

"Is...someone...there?" The trapped being replied.

"Yes there is someone here and is now talking to you." Rene said with oblivious remarks.

"Can...you...help...me?" It replied to him.

"How am I of help? Better say something that isn't putting me in danger else you leave me with two choices."

"Number one: Leave you here all alone and go back to my unfinished business."

"And two: Blast the hell out of you and make the howling synthetic voices to a shut." Rene replied threateningly.


"Its...not...like....I...am...a...threat...to...you...in...the...state...I...am...already...in." It replied weakly.

"So you just want me to get you out of this rubble and leave you on your merry way?" Rene questioned the being.

"Yes...and...maybe...I...could...be...of...use...to." It replied.

"What use can you be for me?" Rene asked.

"Can...you...unbury...me...first...please?" It said with worry.

Rene agreed to its preposition since seeing the being's form first can be of assurance to what kind it is and what use could it give to him. As someone who isn't sociable in all aspects and after being somewhat alone for more than 3 months in this barren planet in the remote places of space made him somewhat happy as he could have someone or something to talk to verbally (chatting with his "best of friends" doesn't count).

What laid out under the rubble was a damaged and broken down metallic figure ressembling that of a mannequin, it had fair proportions fitting of a young lady but with its clothes all torn up and a few limbs missing and was left with just it's left arm and a right leg with most of it missing or broken.

Rene confirmed his deductions of the being laid in front of him and based on his knowledge and comparing thsi specimen. It resembles the long lost race in his <Cycle> The Automatons, beings different of that of Clockworks and Golems but still a synthetic being given life but with a more humanoid appearance, more human features and with abilities rivaling that of common mechanics and mechnists in the area of machinery.

Rene helped the broken down doll that resembles of the automatons to sit down near the metal wall that seemingly isn't damaged.

"So first of all you are..?"

"An automaton sir..." Answering his question.

"Well sorry for being rude in this conversationa nd my manners introductions first, I am Rene a human traveler who's stuck without transport in this barren wasteland of a planet outside the reaches of closeby civilization." Rene introduced himself.

"Well I am a Type-789 Female Modular Assist Automaton named Synesthesia, a working intern on-board an escape vessel after it was struck down by pesky pirates and bandits in the outreaches of space just after we jumped in to an unknown dialed coordinates after also being chased by a spacial-graviton surge on route to the safezone near our station." Synesthesia replied to his introduction.

"Well bad luck for you miss, you're currently in the location near you were struck down by those raiders where no life exists but polluted beasts and celestials, a world designated as trash dumps for unused parts and scraps but is abandoned for being too-far from the reaches of civilization."

"And you said...you are on-board an escape vessel? What are you being chased of?" Rene questioned after detailing Synesthesia current status.

Before waiting for her to answer to his question he suddenly bombs her and removing her of hope. "And also you are the current survivor of this craft as I saw it crash landed here for god knows how long after this vessels reactor started leaking." He says.

Seeming shocked, Synesthesia recovers her bearings and says "So I'm the only one who survived from the atmospheric re-entry? Did you count the bodies in the ship, there was about 20 onboard and another 8 for personnel." She asks hurriedly.

"I beg your pardon, but for clarification I saw no bodies except you caling for help in this vessel which left pertubed why this vessel is lacking personnel and pssengers."


"There's no buts, it only deducts that some metal-eating beasts took their bodies or disintegrated after the re-entry as it landed here quite harshly with about 10 times the gravity of my homr planet."

"How much? We normally deal with a force of gravity of 40m/s."

"Ours scales to just 9m/s but here is about 88m/s so about twice of what you stated."

"So disintegrating on re-entry is also an explanation as our bodies of our class are crafted with lightweight but durable alloys yet can be easily melted by heat, since this vessel is of an escape type thus has no need for tight security as the personnel are armed."

"Your condolescene for your loss miss."

"No worries traveler, I am an independent automaton of orphanic origin." With liquid dripping in the corners of her synthetic eye.

"So answer my main question first, what was chasing you into using an escape vessel?" Rene asked again.

"We we're escaping from the hands of <The Lorousts> which after decades of fighting against our kind developed certain abilities that hugely affected us, now using mass amounts of vessels to escape to marked safezones in the periphery of our planet as this creatures hasn't developed enough to reach space."

"Second question are there many of your kind survived and are other races beside yours?"

"Our planet <Mysos> is habitted by sentient inorganics like Golems, Clockworks and our race The Automatons but suddenly an interstellar object landed on the surface and is now called the <The Lorousts> whichc are organic insectopods capable of evolving to fit current needs for survival and now capable of shreding through metals easily." She said.

"Uh-huh...now pleasantries aside how can you help me where we are somewhat stuck in the same boat afterall, stuck in this wasteland." Rene says.

"I am proficient in handling and creating ships as per my training in my built in drives, as Interned to be a ship technician and designer so as long you have enough resources and materials I can make it according to the stated blueprint and somewhat improve it with exotics efficiently without waste." She replied proudly.

"I have blueprints and schematics of a small ship, materials not quite enough to build it but we can have more than enough if we scrap this ship to its bare bones and also don't worry about the fuel as we have more than enough to outfit a whole galactic fleet for eons. But currently lacking tools to build it myself but with you on the crew we can somewhat craft it even without a shipyard." Rene said unbashingly

"Oh so we can escape now?"

"Not without the ship built."

"And also traveler what do you mean by 'enough to outfit an entire galactic fleet for eons'?" She asked.

"Well with luck plundered a few tons of <Epsilon Extracts> from a dying cataclysm."

"WHAT?" She says surprised.

"Well that was one of my reactions after seeing that this wasteland holds a motherlode on a few both uncommon and rare exotics."


Rene cutting what she is saying "No buts besides we have alot of work infront of us so welcome to the party stranded automaton." Rene says greetingly.

"Now let's get you fixed up into working condition."

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