
Isn't the script wrong?

(At the same time in the Slum Area, Qing Shan Capital.)

Unlike the joyful atmosphere on the main streets, there was a stark contrast in the attitude of people living in the slums.

Not only were the slum dwellers being forced to relinquish their residence for maintaining buffer space, the city guards who oversaw the operation were also using their authority to abuse them.

"Get moving, you little pieces of shit. It is only with the great grace of the emperor that you are still alive till now."

A young guard said as he kicked the little beggar below him. The little boy wore a gray set of cloth over his frail skinny body. Despite the repeated taunts of the guard, he stubbornly remained in his position, protectively guarding the entrance to his residence.

"Please sir, my sister is sick. She cannot handle moving out from here. Have mercy."

"So what, are you suggesting that we delay the royal order for a mere slum rat?"

"Please, si-"

Feeling annoyed, the young guard used the sword hilt to hit the head of the beggar boy.

"Cheh, to think even a slum brat would dare to speak against me. Whom do you think is keeping the empire safe?"

When the little beggar heard the question from the young guard, he mockingly laughed.

In the past, his father had joined the army despite the reluctance of his mother and sister to serve the nation.

He always used to say that a good man should remain loyal to the emperor and the empire.

Yet, where did it send them?

His father died in a battle to save the turf of a minor noble. His mother worked all alone to support him and his sister after his father passed away.

But she also died in the end. The cause for her death was overworking to support them.

After much difficulty, he and his sister made their way to the capital so that he could have better luck with finding a job. But after reaching here, he realized that there was only place in slums for a 11-year-old like him who had no particular expertise.

"S-stop, don't hit my brother."

A weak voice came out of the cottage. The source of the voice was another 10-11 year old kid whose skinny body and rugs made it hard to distinguish her gender. Despite looking like she would fall with a gentle push, she still tried to move in front of her brother.

This sort of scene should have at least brought a sense of pity towards the kid. But, neither the guards nor other slum dwellers gave the siblings other glance.

Instead, the guard who had just kicked the boy got visibly displeased and made his way towards the sister.

"You dare to order me."

"No, stop."

The young boy screamed loudly as he tried to move his body to prevent the guard from reaching his sister.

The little boy could not understand.


Why did he have to suffer?

Why did no one come to help him?

Why wouldn't the guard leave them?

Why wouldn't he die.

A murderous feeling began to engulf in the little boy when the guard moved towards his sister.

All he wanted was to kill the guards before him. His eyes began to turn crimson red.

The sunny sky turned cloudy and violent storms began to converge.


This event was not only limited to the surrounding area but was also being observed throughout the entire capital.

In the plaza, the citizens who were busy decorating the streets began to feel scared when they felt the sudden change in weather.

"Is it retribution of the heavens?"

"How did the sky change so fast."

Xia Junling, who was enjoying the street foods across the capital paused for a while when she felt the changes around her. She lightly frowned. "Spritual fluctuation."

"Moreover, it seems to be due to exhausting lifeforce. But such lifeforce should not exist in mortals while cultivators from cultivation world or above cannot exert power beyond realm cap."

"I guess I should check it out. The direction seems to be in the east."

With that, Xia Junling disappeared with the gust of the wind.


Meanwhile, the guard who was about to hit the little sister began to tremble when he noticed the menacing glare of the young boy.

Perhaps in fear or anger, he stopped trying to target the sister. Instead, he went towards the little beggar who was about to faint and kicked him even harder.

"You damn brat, you dare to glare at me. Watch as I kill you."

The guard took out his sword from the scabbard and slashed it towards the young boy.

Despite the fact he was about to die, the young boy laughed maniacally. "If I survive this day, I swear I will kill y-".

But before he could finish his 'mc dialogue', a tiny stick which resembled the ones found in meat skewers stopped the sword in its track.

The wielder of the stick lightly flung her arms and the guard whose sword was locked into her immediately flew across the area and turned into meat platter.

The little boy who was ready to fight till the last breath froze with a dumbfounded expression in his face.

Sure, he was happy that he got to survive but he felt that something was wrong with the script.

He stared at the 'meaty patty' two blocks across with a complicated expression in his face.

'Wasn't the guard a bit too weak for acting like a tyrant?'

The little boy felt that his perception of strength was changing in a mind blowing pace.

A beautiful nonchalant voice reached his ears.

"Whether it is in the cultivation world or the mortal world, it seems like trashes are like cabbages throughout the world."

"A pity that he was too weak. Poor guy must have been a picky eater who skipped on his vitamins."

The little boy's eyebrows twitched a little.

Vitamin, my ass. You are the one who is so abnormally OP.

The wielder of the stick turned her attention to the little boy and stared at him closely.

The little boy felt nervous under her gaze.

"You really are weak and stupid, aren't you?"


'Even though I may not be strong, can't you at least console me by saying I am brave or something. Do you really need to question my IQ.' (╬ T _ T)

Unaware of the boy's thoughts, the voice continued.

"You used the reverse yang technique which is unique to your rare primordial yang body and evoked spiritual fluctuation. That itself may not be wrong because you were trying to protect your sister."

"But, since you do not have any techniques to channel it, it would be nothing more than a horror themed decoration. Not only would you fail to do anything, but your body would explode and the whole city would cease to exist."

Initially, the little boy was angry at Xia Junling's taunt, but he began to feel a chill at his back when he realized the consequences of his actions.

The little boy bowed down a little to show his gratitude. "Thank you for saving us."

Xia Junling nodded in approval but did not say anything more. She could see that although this boy had a genuine gratitude towards her, he was still a bit cautious.

This could be a result of the continuous string of abuses and betrayals the boy had faced in his lifetime.

The reason Xia Junling nodded was not only to acknowledge his gratitude but also to show her approval towards his attitude.

A person could be used and thrown out like dirt if they were not careful in the cultivation world.

A piece of life-saving grace would be nothing more than a bargaining chip if one were to be influenced by emotions.

After all, the world of cultivation was not an abode of flowery lotuses as depicted in books but of nefarious thorny cactuses which used crimson blood to give itself an appeal.

A bit serious chapter because it would be too forced to make comedy out of tragic pasts of the disciples.

Male disciple is like mc of xianxia. Well, he would be if he did not meet fairy Xia.

His sister is the cute type but she won't be an idiot. At the very least, she will also be capable of killing and scheming (with a cute smile?).

darkdelusion_2creators' thoughts
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