
silver tongue

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Chapter 1CHAPTER1: Gift OR Curse

"congratulation it's a boy "

it was a happy night that time "can I hold him" said the father

"sure, honey take him but be careful" said the CAREFUL mother

"what should we name him lan" said the father

" oh, so your leaving the choice to me lets see how about jack do you like it john?" a non-surprised look appeared on john

"well I will be REALY happy calling him little jack as your grandfather name "lan released a small smile

"you are tired just rest a little ok" said john while lan nodded in agreement "oh just leave her in our care Mr. john" said the doctor

"yeah thanks doc " but now let's travel in the mind of the new born child because as it seems it won't be his alone

"jack is your name now hmm" said a dark shadow in corner of our little jack mind

"so they have the authority to name you because they gave birth to you right, then you have the authority to name my since you gave birth to me" he said that showing some word in front of him not in his mind but out in the real think everybody saw it amazed not because it was abnormal as 90%of population of earth has extraordinary power but because he was one of those chosen people that awaken there power at young age but even among those jack is special as he awakened his power as soon as he got born as the sooner someone power awaken the more powerful he become

"ha-ha so you followed your father road since the begging "said Johan lifting his nose to the sky

But the words was what gave a shilling feeling, it was; child-boy-girl-heaven-god- wolf-DEATH ,a frustrating eyes were dazzling in the room "how even does he know these words " asked the doctor

but no one was really listening that was quit the view "lan did you snick to my head to listen to my call " asked Johan

"I am so sorry I couldn't control it while the delivery "said lan with a fear in her voice

"this not the problem you understand what that means that mean that the baby was directly using MS lan power to spy on others " interrupted the doctor

"that is no good is she SUBJECTED to any damage doctor "said Johan with rather threatening ton

"of course not "said the doctor looking to the nurse as a sign to leave and indeed she did

the night stayed long and our little jack hadn't picked a name yet

"come on hurry I need a name "said the shadow suddenly little jack moves his hand to a random ward and it was wolf

"wolf it is, pleased to meet you JACK" said wolf

Johan finished talking with the doctor no one ever noticed what jack was doing

.After 12 month jack begin to try to talk though he trained with WOLF a lot about talking, but doing things in the real world is always so much difference

"oh little jack about to say his first world I must bring the camera" said lan

" here found it come on jack say mammy come on say it " said lan

"ma a ma" sudden change In reality happened life itself shifted and adapted

"wh o ar e y o u leeeave my child alone" mommy no another one there are two of her but in little jack eyes mom seamed little different you know how little children eye sight is weak so the new mom seemed like that LITTLE different

"what are you monster" said real lan with horror in her eyes

"leeeave my child alone yooou freeeak "said the MONSTER

only matter of few minute's THE MONESTER disappeared only leaving mommy in dazzle but that was only the beginning .

now our little jack is beginning his story to tell the truth it was quit the childhood for a little boy, full of events as his mother never understood him reaching 3 years old the imagination of a child begins to work and to give its effect as any child the fear of unknown and the curiosity of it make them create their own reality of it ,

our little jack begins to imagen suitable reality for that unknown and what occurs under the bed was the most frightful thing for any child begin to imagen as figures, monsters, anything to solve the mystery of what happen under our beds when we sleep ,

in one night as usual little jack was talking to wolf learning about the world that he doesn't see or feel , but something strange happened that night ,"wolf did you hear that "said jack "YEA SOMETHING LURKS UNDER THE BED "in that moment jack felt fear for the second time after the accident with his mother but mother still a mother the only safe shelter you can feel safe in it, so as any NORMAL child "mom there is a monster under my bed please come and see " cried jack for his mother at middle of night but his mother didn't answer as last night and before , "mom sigh pleas I am so afraid pleas help me "as the sound of little jack tears falls on the flour lan's heart begin to tear apart she finally knew that what she did was absolute wrong for herself and jack sack by ignoring her baby for 4 straight days "I am coming honey wait for me ok " said lan "ok mam I am in the kitchen " said jack " HA HA HA do you really thing that your mom can help you in anything " said wolf in such a dreadful voice "yah my mom can protect me from anything in the world "said jack with voice full of hope and happiness "we will see how much she can take before giving up on you as your father did "said wolf with his evilest voice to scare our little jack but jack had so much confidences in his mother that he didn't listen to anything of what wolf said except what he said about his father that hurt him every time he remember it, as he could never explain why , why did his father leave him and his mother without saying anything of course jack didn't see or remember his father leaving him but wolf was there and saw and heard everything then said it to little jack "oh jack are you fine " said lan with her delightful voice as ever to calm her baby boy "mom" jack took the opportunity to hug his mother that ignored him for 4 days "sorry Jacky boy I was so harsh those few days would you forgive your guilty mother" said lan "of course mother I forgive you without even apologizing "said jack "thanks jack, ok lets go see your monster" lane said it while giggling "it is real I saw it" said jack" ok ok we will see about that" said lane "let me describe the monster to your mother ok jack " said wolf while they were going to jack room "yea sure you are the one that saw It so ok "said jack "when we enter the room I want to try something new just repeat after me as I describe the monster ok? Jack boy" said wolf "yea sure thing why not?" said jack while they entering the room "ok let's see what is under the bed now" said lane while looking under jack bed "see there is nothing under the bed as I said "said lane "NO THERE IS" said wolf "A BIG MONSTER LOOKS LIKE A BEAR BUT WITH DARK SCALES COVERING HIS BODY WITH SHARP TEETH BLUE EYES" said wolf " and large claws he is right there under the bed " said jack after wolf the same thing happened again as last time from 3 years the first time there power appeared when monster mom appeared, life itself froze ,as some evil shadow lurks from under the bed taking shapes until finally taking the shape of the same monster that wolf and Jake described but as soon as it appeared the description of monster gave it the common meaning of monster, ugly ,strong, HOSTILE attitude towards anyone near so it attacked the nearest one near to it and it was lan suddenly without warning attacking lane slashing through her taking her right eye, from the shock that lane experienced she ran away from Jake and the monster escaping to her room while that was happening time freeze giving lane time for a sudden thought to get into her mind "jack how couldn't I see it whenever something strange happened jack always said that it will happen or described how it happened NO what are you saying lane he is just a child he never could do something like that ; BUT IT HAPPENED RIGHT I MEAN WE SAW IT ; but ;WHAT, YOU OF ALL PEOPLE MUST KNOW HOW CHILD CAN CHANGE SO EASLIY, but he never got through what I got through so we mustn't compare between me and him" said lane speaking to her self "REALY AND YOU NEVER EXPERENCED WHAT WE GOT THROUGH "a hideous voice penetrated through lane's thoughts it sounded very similar to wolf voice that lane never heard, it was at this moment that lane's all doubts that was rotating around her head got confirmed knowing only one way to prevent things from proceeding but while lane was thinking in a way, Jake was facing the monster on his own but why is that the monster is not attacking him he is just sitting beside little jack "why did he only attack my mom wolf" said jack with confused look on his face "Didn't I till I want to try something" said wolf "you wanted to hurt my mother I won't forgive and I will never talk to again and you WILL NEVER MOVE OUTSIDE MY MINDE AGAIN DO YOU UNDRSTAND WOLF" said Jake with blood lust on his face something that no one would expect a child to make but jack was never normal and wolf never thought that jack would turn against him "so that is yours decision jack" said wolf while being chained inside jack mind locked in a another reality by another creation "someone got inside jack mind and locked me inside this reality but who?" said wolf while trying to resisting the chains ; " sorry little jack but I had no other choice I have to finish what I started to the fullest" said lane while approaching jack with a knife.

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Check out my other book as well Lunar:Secret Guardians ******************* "Grey, elemental affinity, zero" The Elder announced the result loudly On hearing this, it was like a bolt of lightning struck Grey, he stood there dumbfounded and just stared at the Elder. Shocked voices could be heard from the people and there was some which were also filled with scorn. Grey stood dazed amidst all the noises without any reactions. One word was constantly reverberating in his head, 'How?'. 'Why, why did this happen to me?' Grey asked himself over and over again **************** Unbeknownst to Grey, something greater lies in wait in his body.... *************** Check out the book, leave a review after reading, and also your powerstones. Hope you enjoy this, and Thanks for reading ^_^ P.S: When I started this book I had zero writing experience, so the first chapters aren't that great, although, my writing quality has improved over time. Also, English isn't my first language, so there are some instances where my choice of words are not good enough for what I'm trying to portray. A heads up, the book will be using a medieval setting. My world building is not the best, but it gets better over time, so bear with me on the early chapters! P.S: Cover art not mine I just edited it. If you're the owner and want me to take it down you can notify me. Other novel: Lunar:Secret Guardians Check it out as well! Discord Server: https://discord.gg/gs68a4ZzaN

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