

When I got into secondary school my parents were very proud of me, proud of the fact that I was equally capable as any of the male students and may be sometimes even more than them.

My grades were excellent and I never received any complaints from my teachers.

Secondary school passed in a blink of an eye.

My brother was a big man by then. My brother has always been my first love after my parents. I love him so much, much more than I will ever love myself. He is my bundle of joy, the best gift my parents have given me.

I passed 10th standard with flying colors.

My parents were hell bent to send me to a very renowned school producing excellent result.

Very soon I was admitted to a school which was far from my house. It was not possible for me to come to school regularly from home so I decided to stay in a pg.

Life in PG is not easy especially because of the quality of food that we get. Most of the pg's are very unhygienic.

My first day at my new school was remarkable. I was stunned by the campus and it's extraordinary features. It was 100 times better than my previous school. It took me hardly a week to completely adjust to this new surrounding.

My classes went on very swiftly and soon I found out that a boy from the other section had developed a crush on me. This was new for me. Never before was I aware of any such things.

He used to wait to have a look at me after almost every class which made me very conscious.

It didn't stop there, he even started coming to the same tuition where I studied. With time it started turning out awkward.

I used to speak to him but then in limit as a friend and nothing more. He was expecting something else from me.

I didn't want to keep him in dark so one day I decided to text him the truth. But not even the text stopped him. He continued stalking me.

When our senior secondary got over I felt relieved. I passed out with excellent result. I was extremely happy.

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