
First Partnership

The bell rung signaling yet the end of another class, the only good that come of it was that it was now break time. Where students have the possibility to head over the cafeteria to have lunch, talk and mingle with they're friends. For Takeo on the other hand he desperately needed some help with this new magic he decided to recreated a few hours earlier.

You see having so much information readily available in his DNI has him hooked, everytime he has some down time his mind wonders in his virtual library. Once there he brows over many techniques or other cool moves that peeks his interest, once that happens he goes full geek mode and tries his best to recreate them. Today was no exception, since first period he had been obsessing over this one technique from Naruto called 'Demonic Flute: Phantom Sound Chains'. It was an illusion that relies on the sound of the flute. And whoever ears it will be assailed by the vivid sensation that their limbs have been fastened with sturdy ropes, thus becoming unable to move about freely.

Then the body is robbed of all mobility, and consciousness itself progressively fades away. At the same time, they are fed morbid hallucinations, which makes it also possible to run them down mentally. Given that the means of transmission is sound-based, it has a large range of effectiveness, on top of which it can be applied even without knowledge of the enemy's position, which makes for an exceedingly convenient technique. After reading the description of it Takeo was practically drooling at the immense possibilities it possessed, and after cross referencing it with some of the magics recorded on data he could not find anything.

On one hand he did however find one with many similarities as another technique from Naruto world called 'Evil Eye', It was a technique developed in Belarus after extensive research, prior to the formation of the New Soviet Union. this magic is that the light emitted from the eyes sends out hypnotic waves, using the speed of light to bypass the limits of human sensory abilities and directly influence the opponent through sight using Light Wave Oscillation Type Magic.

It is a brainwashing technique, or hypnotism, that could be replicated with a light projector, but this ability voids the need for lugging a machine around and is able to control an opponent's consciousness. It can be used to rewrite memories or simply send people to sleep. It was considered a third rate magic with zero combat value whatsoever, to make matters worst it had a list of flaws so long that the project to improve it was abandoned soon after it was created. But the similarities it shared with 'Lightning Illusion Flash of Lightning Pillar' were uncanny, the only difference was that lightning pillar was more combat oriented and was not as flawed. The only problem would be to figure out how to use the base sequence of Evil eye and add on new ones to recreate Lightning pillar.

Lightning pillar was categorized as a support type attack, it would discharge an extremely bright light to disorientate their target's vision. Once this is done, the user can implant images in their head, this gives the user's allies the perfect opportunity to attack the unsuspecting victim. And after a little more than two hours Lightning pillar was successfully recreated using bits and pieces of many different light based magics and Spiritual Interference Magic that were available to the public. Spiritual interference magic was a rare type of Ancient magic technique that can create illusions by using pushions on the information body.

It was than sent to Kana via mobile terminal for extensive testing, to his delight it was proven to be a major success and would be added to the G&G Groups library. But on the other hand Takeo was not making any progress with his other project, he had already created 3 different activation sequences for 'Phantom Sound Chains' but all of them failed according to Kana, he was going nowhere and was getting frustrated,

He made up his mind to head over to the library for more research, found out that it would be closed for the day due to maintenance. His anger was reaching it's boiling point and soon he would exploded in a fit of rage, on his way back to the cafeteria he came across a familiar face one that could possibly help him out of his situation. Seeing this as a golden opportunity he could not help it and said:

"Excuse me Tsuzura-sensei may i please have a bit of your time? i apologies for the suddenness but it is an urgent and private matter."

Turning around to see who it was Tsuzura was a bit surprised, Takeo had become the topic of interest in the teachers lounge. He had amazing magical abilities yet was overly arrogant as his contemporaries often were but he was the opposite and just like Shiba-san, after observing him for a bit he smiled and responded.

"Ok follow me to my office i have a bit of down time anyways, can't hurt to give you a hand and help you with your problems"

Despite his aloof personality, Tsuzura was fairly sharp individual when it came to observing people. The moment he laid eyes on Takeo he was able to discern his plight, after all as a researcher he and many of his collegue's has at one point wore the same expression that was currently on Takeo's face, It was that of a frustrated individual who couldn't put the final nail in his research and in turn causing the whole project to fail over and over again.

They made their way towards his office in silence, which gave Takeo time to script out an excuse in order to avoid suspicion. After all not many students create a magic with never seen before offensive capability, if that got out it would cause many unwanted eyes to be on him and therefore defeat the purpose of staying low key. Heck to be completely honest he did not want to ask this teacher either, but it was gnawing at him and he could not hold it in any longer. So he decided to take a gamble, after all Tsuzura was not only a magic researcher but also a member of the Hundred families so he would no doubt abide by the rules of secrecy that was established in the researchers community.

The rule of secrecy or the 'Silver bullet rule' was set up by the research community in effort to protect themselves and they're precious research, in fact it was mainly used in order to help them combat the growing trend of having all of they're hard work stolen, considered classify and state property by the military or government. Some were even outright taken away by members of the ten master clans when it was proven to follow some the same path of the ten research laboratories, With that in mind Takeo decided to go all in on this one.

After arriving they entered a messy and unorganized office, papers were laying everywhere some had lines across them and others were crumpled up in balls and thrown in various corners of the room. It was clear that this teacher was old school in his methods preferring to use a pen and paper, upon closer observation all of them were written in codes, some in an unknown language in order to prevent his ideas from being stolen. The only thing in the office that was organized however was the desk, Tsuzura sat behind it and motioned Takeo to do the same before saying.

"Alright what can i help you with Ichinose-san?" After taking a seat, Takeo calmed down and responded in a serious manner "Before we begin, may i ask how secure is this room?" Seeing this Tsuzura smiled and pulled his portable CAD from his code and activated a sound barrier spell to isolate the room, and then looked Takeo in the eyes and said "Would that secure enough for you?" Nodding his head Takeo opened his bag and pulled out a tablet and said

"Before we begin i will need you to swore the oath of secrecy." The room was still quiet, and Tsuzura-sensei was looking at Takeo in the eyes like a beast staring at his prey. Using the oath of secrecy was not a joking matter, and anybody who made light of it would be shunned in the research community and be treated like a cancer. Seeing the intense gaze directed towards him Takeo returned it with an equally steeled one, and after a few seconds Tsuzura stood up and placed his hands on his chest over his heart and began

"I Tsuzura Kazuo, solemnly affirm that I will faithfully and honestly fulfil the duties that devolve upon me by reason of my title of a researcher associated with The National Japanese magic Research Institute of the Tokyo Territory and that I will not, without due authority, disclose or make known any matter that comes to my knowledge in this moment."

After witnessing this Takeo slid the tablet across the table in front of Tsuzuma-sensei and motioned him to have a look. Seeing this the teacher sat down and immediately began reading, the files were separated in four different folders, each on came with instructions and descriptions on what this was and the goal of this magic.

The first folder held a fake introduction to when this idea came bye and who initialized it, and how it was worked on by three different generations of the Ichinose family in order to create an support based mental interference magic. The goal was to use advance spiritual magic, coupled with both sound based magic and mental interference magic to create an illusion in combat. Which in turn would allow allies to deliver swift and decisive blow on the enemy, after going through it Tsuzura-sensei immediately dived in the others like a man possessed. It took him no longer than thirty minutes to finish reading and analyzing them , and he abruptly stood up and looked at Takeo with an intense gaze and said



Author rant

I apologies for the delay, i was suppose to drop this yesterday but the girlfriend was in a not so good mood, bit my fault i admit but still i stand by my choice. Every time we go to a weeding or somebody in our generation gets married she feels a bit down, we went to high school together, been together since our sophomore year (10TH GRADE) and even went to college together. We are 27 yrs old i am an electronics engineer and she is a RN the thing is we are nose deep in student Loans, add on the high cost of living in NY and all the other BS life has thrown our way recently marriage is not yet on the plate, i will not get married just to be struggling financially and have my kids suffer. I know i know getting married doesn't mean having kids early, birth control and condoms are readily available i know. But let me tell you this all it takes is one f-up, i do not believe in abortion in a relationship my father always taught me this "you caused it you deal with it". She agrees with me on the whole situation, so does her parents and so does mine but still it is tough. Sorry for taking up your time, i know i am venting but i had to.

Have a good day and enjoy

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