
chapter 3

The boy started living an ordinary life, even though he can not run, he was also so fragile that he could practically die if someone hit him hard enough.

But the boy's senses were terrifying, nothing catches him off-guard, it was mighty impossible, Minato Kushina lord third also Jiraya and Tsunade concluded that the boy overwhelming spiritual energy heightens his senses to the extreme

Since Mirei lived and there was no threat to his life, Minato started taking missions once again leaving Kushina and Mirei alone


He was 3 years old when he saw his mother practicing Fuinjutsu, that got him interested

"Me too", he said Pointing at the seal in front of Kushina

Kushina beamed, "So my little precious prince, wish to learn fuinjutsu?"


Kushina Laughed, "It's not Fumi, its fu-in-jut-su"

"Funi--Fumi--fu-", Mirei was tilting his head with great difficulty in announcing it

"Do you wish to learn it", asked Kushina grinning

"YES", smiled Mirei with the very same grinning expression like that of Kushina

If anyone would see them right now they would not be able to differentiate between two, truly a carbon copy


3 months later- team 7 came back with an aura of darkness

Minato returned from his mission at the Kannabi Bridge.

Mirei swallowed a lump down his dry throat when Rin staggered in, pale and weepy like a willow. She was dressed in hospital scrubs, reeking of antiseptics and the hospital's funky smell in general, so he deduced that she must've been recently discharged.

"Hey, Mirei." She sniffled. "It's been awhile, hasn't it?" Her shaky smile fell as quickly as she plastered it on.

"Where 'Bito and Kaka?" asked Mirei instead of humoring her pathetic attempts at a normal conversation.

Rin choked on a sob, hopelessly shaking her head. "Gone," she whispered, "Obito isn't—he didn't—"

Kushina hurried in to see what the fuss was about: Rin was crying pretty loudly. Kushina cooed in Rin's ear, wrapping her arms around the girl, even though her face was just as sad.

"I've got to prepare for the funeral service," said Minato, sighing. His face was lined with grief. Grays in his hair bespoke tales of woe. Mirei wanted to pull the gray hairs out. "I'm sorry I had to ask you to watch over them, Rin."

"N-No," Rin inhaled shakily. "I don't think I can go to the funeral service w-without l-losing it entirely—aah…"


After the funeral, Kushina has to take care of her husband and Rin but what about Kakashi he didn't open to anyone and just swallowed by his grief

"I am sorry Kaka nii, I just ho-", said Mirei as he came behind Kakashi

Before he could complete his sentence he was hugged by Kakashi


Mirei just stood there letting Kakashi cry

That day he swears he won't let anyone else die-- that time he was just 3 years old

The time went on with or without friends or family... and people move on even though they were sad but they were able to move on all except Kakashi who couldn't

But Kakashi changed after Obito's death, his arrogance died, he is nice to people and he was depressed the entire time, he would seriously kill or die to protect his precious people which now includes Mirei as well


Mirei was 4 years old when Kushina took him to the park, where he met someone beautiful; an older lady like her mother but her hair was black she was also holding a little boy in her arms

"Mikoto, it's been a while isn't it", said Kushina smiling with mouth open

"Hello Kushina it's nice to see you again", smiled Mikoto as well

While they let Kids play themselves they talked-

You've changed, Kushi."


"No, I mean—when I was pregnant and we discussed how many children we each wanted, you said you wanted at least half a dozen. You were all worked up about how many amazing pranks your children will pull together with you and you said you'd brag endlessly about th—"

"I know. I haven't made a single plan." Kushina's laugh was watery. "I don't care about that right now. All I want … is for Mirei to be healthy, to live a long, happy life beside us. I don't need him to accomplish something awe-inspiring, he doesn't need to be the Hokage to make me love him anymore—"

"Well said!! Kushina I am sure I would be happy for Itachi as well no matter what", said Mikoto as she looked lovingly at her son making a castle

"I Know right? after all, we are mothers", grinned Kushina


"I won- No I did"

Mikoto and Kushina looked at the source of noise that is their kids

(While Mikoto and Kushina were talking each other)

Mirei and Itachi were making a sand castle

when Itachi was finished he looked towards Mirei

Mirei sand castle was bigger than Itachi's

His pride won't let it go, so....he made a bigger castle

Mirei who was tired of always being second in life begins to make a bigger castle

Itachi looked at him heatedly, Mirei look at him heatedly

And they competed with sand castle competition

"I won- No I did"

"How about we call it a draw, isn't it right Itachi", said Mikoto as she comes beside the kids

"A draw would be good, right Mirei", Said Kushina as she comes near the kids as well

Itachi and Mirei just nodded their head repeatedly with sweat dripping from their face clearly because of being afraid


While Minato and Fugaku were on Frontlines, Mikoto and Kushina met on regular basis and every time they met

Their son compete- with ridiculous things

Kushina was surprised the second time it happened Mirei who was a sick child always kept to himself, never making friends of any kind but he is more of an extrovert with Itachi, that's also one of the reasons she always brings him to meet Itachi

But Unknown to her Mikoto was even more surprised than her friend, Itachi was a pacifist with no friend what-so-ever (he still didn't meet shishui) but he always competes with red hair child of Kushina giving everything he has to fight in childish games they always compete in, that makes her so much happy, her little precious boy finally makes a friend, not to mention the son of her best friend as well


Itachi brushed Mirei cheeks. "Don't cry," his voice was soft, imploring—gentle. "When you 'et better … let's do somethin' to'ether."

Itachi became Mirei only companion. He did not worry about Mirei. He did not shed a tear on Mirei behalf. He did not feel pain at his red hair rival pathetic state. It was a refreshing change even though Mirei parents' feelings did reach and touch Mirei heart. It's a wonder how much love hurt, for a 4-year-old nonetheless

Itachi and Mirei compete on a daily basis for over a year, Mirei met Shishui Uchiha an older child, Shishui was an orphan, but that did little to hinder the friendship of three kids, as the three kids develop a bond becoming the best of friends


Seeing Every kid near his age being able to run, he secretly decided to run without telling his parents

But 2 days later he opened his eyes inside the hospital with Kushina haggard figure sleeping near him, clearly deprived of rest

It hurts seeing her like that-

He decided to not run... ever


Two days later was Mirei 5th birthday, Minato and Kushina were preparing for his birthday when they saw their son lying on the floor, he was immediately taken to the hospital

"How is he", asked Minato to the doctor

"It's his Spiritual energy it's rising really fast, I am afraid so much spiritual power cannot be stored inside a human body if it does not stop I am afraid he will die"

"But why, why out of nowhere his spiritual energy is rising so much again and again", nearly shouted Kushina at the doctor

"Sigh we don't know, and no matter what we try we Just don't get it"

"But the doctor said if he took Arctic plant he will be alright", said the crying Minato

The moment he said it, they felt the air chilling out as the area near their son started freezing, An overwhelming blue chakra that is giving the feeling of the aura of the extreme level of cold covered his entire body

The temperature just kept decreasing near him, It was sheer cold, it was extremely cold as everything including the bed, the machines, the walls everything around the boy froze with the solid ice

But soon ice melted into nothing the cold chakra alongside chill air was gone, as Mirei Opened his eye as he looked at his parents

"Mama Papa what happened"

"Nothing, Why don't we go back home after all we have to prepare for your birthday", said Kushina as she came near him and hugged him

"Yea", said Mirei

Minato smiled looking at mother-son duo as they walk back home...


"We need to start his shinobi training as soon as possible", said Minato seriously

"Don't you think it's little too early for that?", said Kushina

"Kushina...don't you see his spiritual energy keeps growing for no reason, and I am afraid it will keep growing in the future as well, and the only way he can live through that is that ice"

"I know but-

"Kushina listen if he doesn't learn how to control his ice, he will die sooner than later"

After seeing today's incident both Minato and Kushina decided to start Mirei shinobi training, He needs to learn how to control his ice, seeing that the ice is the only thing that can help their son survive.

"But why does he have so much Spiritual energy inside of him", asked Kushina

"Sigh, I don't know even doctors couldn't figure it out"

Kushina reeled back in overdramatic shock. "I'm pretty sure neither Minato you nor I had any Yamanaka blood in us … unless—my gramps cheated on my gran –bane?!"

"KUSHINA!!!", nearly shouted Minato

"No that's not possible even they have Physical strength to do things Perhaps your gramps cheated as well? -bane", said Kushina still thinking


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