
Prime accused

The very next moment the doctor came in and began checking on her vitals. Except for her weakness, the general health of her body was normal. The doctor instructed the nurse on medicines to be given. He was about to walk away when Katherine Bradford called him.

"Doctor, could you please let me meet my boyfriend, Adam Clive. I think I'm being framed here. I really need to talk to him to know what went wrong last night." Katherine Bradford pleaded.

The doctor also laughed just like the nurse. He was mostly in his fifties, "Hmph! Youth these days! You should always strive towards being a positive example in the society. But look at you! Ha, even today you're sure an example: Don't ever end up like Ms Katherine Bradford: The prime accused in a drugging case!" He too looked at her with disgust.

Katherine Bradford was never used to being treated like this. Everyone would address her and treat her like a princess. Little did she know that, all this humiliation was just the beginning.

Katherine Bradford lowered her head shamefully with her fists clenched tightly. 

The doctor then continued speaking, "By the way, you're asking for Adam Clive right? He has already been bailed out. He isn't here anymore. I guess except a couple of them, none of your so called 'elite socialite friends" are here. Their respective families have bailed them out." The doctor didn't wait for Katherine Bradford's response and walked away.

Katherine Bradford felt cheated at the moment. "Traitors! It's you guys who were into drugs when I did nothing at all in the first place. But then, it's me who's being detained for no fault of mine! My only mistake was that I hosted you to such a high-end party. But what did you guys do to me? You all left me alone… arghhh! Backstabbers!" Fury welled up in her chest and roared through her mind. She went cold with fury.

Her so-called boyfriend Adam Clive had left her too.. She felt so hopeless, she didn't know what to do! All of a sudden, she remembered the doctor had mentioned earlier, that their respective parents had bailed them out. At last, she felt her only ray of hope. "Dad!" She screamed. 

The nurse who had gone out with the doctor came just in time to hear her shout 'Dad!' She rushed towards Katherine Bradford. 'Hey are you alright? Do you feel pain anywhere?' She began checking her.

Katherine Bradford held on to the nurses hands. "Madam, please let me talk to my father!" She cried frantically. 

"Is that it? You've just been drugged. You should be more careful at such a time." The nurse reminded her. "There is a phone here. You can use it to talk to your parents. The Chief Commissioner has already spoken to all your parents; since all of you'll are children of wealthy, influential families. Especially you, since you're the prime accused here."

Katherine Bradford had been receiving too many shocking news since she woke up. By now, she had heard so much, that she was practically numb.

She picked up the receiver and dialled her residence number. The phone was received on the other end. "Hello!"

Katherine Bradford broke down on hearing her dad's voice. She cried out. "Dad! It's me Katie!"

James Bradford felt a twisting pain in his heart on hearing his daughter's painful cry. Since he had already made up his mind, he immediately turned hard-hearted. "Miss, I guess you've dialled the wrong number. I've just one daughter Kylie Bradford… You must've mistaken me for someone else." He spoke bluntly. 

"Dad! Please don't do this to me. I know I'm wrong. But then, you can't be punishing me like this. Dad, it's all a misunderstanding. I've been framed. I never did any drugs. Please save me." Katherine Bradford frantically tried to make herself clear. 

James Bradford already knew that she was trying to drug and frame Ronnie Roy's wife. Yet, she was trying to fabricate her statement. He had never expected that his daughter, whom he loved and spoilt to no end could end up like this.

Thinking of which his fury sprang to life. He icily replied, "The fact that the drug party happened at the Bradford villa is enough evidence. From now on, don't you dare use the Bradford surname anywhere until all your charges get acquitted. You're no more my daughter either. You know I'm a prideful man. I can never be a druggie daughter's father!" With that he hung up the phone and trashed it. 

Katherine Bradford wanted to answer but then the line went dead before that. Tears streamed down her face helplessly. She began wailing out loudly.

The nurse who had heard the entire conversation felt some pity for Katherine Bradford. She looked away from her and advised her, "It's- It's okay! Calm down. After all you're not alone now. You've to take care of your baby as well… If you get so worked up, it'll directly affected your unborn child. Be more careful…." 

Can never thank enough to all my loyal readers, who've been staying along throughout! ❤❤❤

~ Much much love!

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