When three people in the car were sitting holding their breaths and saying bye to their loved ones in their hearts, suddenly they felt something collided with their car but it was not from the side of the truck but from the backside, moving their car forward from its place.
Before they could understand, the truck collided with the car which just arrived there to replace the previous one and the next moment that new car flipped in the air to roll a few times before it collided on the ground while the targeted car was just hit at the end part to make it spin multiple times on the road, before it stopped.
So many sounds could be heard in a single moment, the sound of brakes screeching, two vehicles hitting each other, the sound of glass breaking and metal breaking and bending with the last sound baa.m…! when the car collided on the ground with a hard hit shattering the glasses of windscreens everywhere.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: