Memories of Slaughter
We all follow her in
Me, my sisters and brothers
In line behind our mother
To the door through which
Manny had gone before
The air was dark and heavy
The smell of blood
Sweet and cloying
Old flesh decayed and molding
I see the tools and hooks hanging
Cold and sharp
There swaying
Can you hear the sinister clanging
Led to stalls the Troughs await
Filled with swill
My mother, sisters, and brothers
Can't wait
Rushing forward
they stretch out their necks
In a shadowed corner, I watch
As like their namesakes
They all pig out
The bars come down
No escape now
Then he enters
The one who raised us
Surely he would help
My eyes shine in hope
As I start to step out
No way he would betray us
Then stop
As he pulls a hammer out
Shrinking back
In confusion and fear
I see the shine
of the hammer's head
As slowly his arm
Rises up
A blur and the arm falls down
Then, the sickening crunch
Pink and gray, like froth
brains spill out
My mother's body
Lies across the Trough
Then comes another
Who with an ax takes my brothers
Severed heads
Dead eyes stare up
Blood sprays out
Leaving patterns of red
In the dust
As the knife ends, my sister's life
I close my eyes and realize
I know what no pig should
We live just to die
Just to die