
Attacking Weapon Plus Base Conclusion

Weapon Plus Base, Hangar

Bullets fly through the air as the battle in the hangar escalated, the soldiers open fire at us which further wreak the hanger. I run up the wall to avoid the soldiers' weapon fire and started throwing a a barrage of explosive wingdings towards the soldiers.

As the explosive wingding exploded, mass amount of smokes and flames start to engulfed the hanger. A huge number of soldiers is killed by the explosion as chaos continue to rampage the hanger.

X-23 snarled as she run up a crate and jumping downward towards a group of soldiers. Moving at great speed she kill the soldiers with her claws by slashing and stabbing one after another before finally lunging herself towards one of the soldiers who is wielding two swords.

When the sword wielding soldier tried to slash and parry X-23's attack, X-23's adamantium claws easily slice through the metal sword before X-23 embedded her claws into the soldier's chest while the soldier stared back at her with a horrified expression and died due to his injuries.

While the helicopter's rotors hum in increase intensity and the flying vehicle slowly lift off the ground, Wolverine roared as he quicken his pace trying to reach the helicopter. Bullets continue hitting Wolverine but he simply shrug off their attacks and focus his attention in running and Silver Fox.

I leap behind one of the soldier with machine gun, grab him from behind before swirling him around and firing his weapon at the other soldiers that had aimed their weapons at us. The soldier shouted in terror towards the other soldiers "Wait! Stop!!! Don't shoot!!!" as I grab the weapon in his hand and pulled the trigger while at the same time I using him as my shield.

Bang!!! Bang!! Bang!!! Bng!!!!

Bullets started flying from my weapon towards the soldiers before they could pulled the trigger on their weapons, killing them as bullet casing start clattering on the ground. After the machine gun finish firing it bullet, I stab him with several explosive wingding and throw him towards a group of soldiers hiding behind a large crate.


As the explosion killed them, I drew out one of the dead soldier's sidearm and turn my attention towards X-23 who is busy pummeling one of her opponents to the ground. From my position I saw a group of soldiers with harpoon guns quickly surrounding her.

Before they could open fire, I dashed towards them and started unleashing a volley of bullets with the handgun in my hand. After killing them, I notice X-23 glared angrily at me for a short while before she charged towards the remaining soldiers.

"You're welcome!" I shouted towards her before turning my head to check on Wolverine's situation.

Wolverine has ripped through the soldiers that blocked his way and finally grabbing hold of the helicopter's undercarriage as it slowly rise up in the air. Wolverine slowly climbed upward and used his claws to carve a hole to breach into the helicopter.

Suddenly Oracle said into my earpiece "The base self destruct sequence is within 2 minutes" when I dodged a stray bullet fly by my head.

"Can you deal with it?" I asked after jumping behind a bunch of crates.

"You will need to do it manually and we don't have enough time to deal with it" Oracle replied.

"Fuck!" I cursed to myself and quickly search for X-23 to warn her of the impending danger.

X-23 figure could be seen carrying a harpoon gun and running towards the helicopter's direction before firing the harpoon gun at the helicopter. As the harpoon hit the helicopter, X-23 quickly grab the other end of the rope which suddenly yanking her upward into the air.

"Whoa!" I mumbled in daze and feeling slightly impressed by X-23's move.

As the remaining soldiers started firing at me, I jump aside and throw several explosive wingdings that slammed into the group of soldiers and instantly incapacitated them as the wingding exploded upon contact.

Seeing the dead soldier corpses, I pondered to myself "I wonder how would Spiderman react if he know that we killed these soldiers?" quickly dismissing the question, I extended my arms and fly upward to chase after the helicopter.

Just as I flied upward, Oracle reminded me "Less than a minute left".

Several of the remaining soldiers in the hanger fired their weapons at me while I was in the air, which fortunately I easily avoided with the help of my spider sense.

Approaching the escaping helicopter, Wolverine could be seen entering the helicopter while X-23 is still dangling on the rope but nearly reach the helicopter. Oracle continued her countdown "5... 4... 3... 2... 1... "


A large explosion rocked the whole area as the Weapon Plus Base exploded sending a powerful shock wave followed by a mushroom cloud, fire and debris of rocks flying all over the place.

Offering a short prayer in my heart for all casualties in the base, I quickly fly towards the helicopter and stick myself against the helicopter's surface. Both Wolverine and X-23 is inside the flying vehicle but from outside of the helicopter I could hear Wolverine confronting General Wraith and Silver Fox.

General Wraith said "Work with us Weapon X. We can work together like we use too... You, Silver Fox and me.. Imagine the things we can accomplish together.... And I can help you fill in the blank about your past".

"Whatever I was before….. I am better than that now!" Wolverine replied as he glared at General Wraith in confusion.

"You are just confused Weapon X..... Charles Xavier messed with you mind, that is why you forget your past with us.... Silver Fox is rather skilled in dealing with the matter of the mind.... Just give her several sessions and you will remember everything".

"Stop calling me Weapon X!" Wolverine snapped angrily.

"Fine, Howlett!"General Wraith replied but he sound displeased.

"Howlett?" Wolverine repeated in confusion.

"Your real name is James Howlett but after that you assumed the name Logan" Silver Fox explained.

"Why?" Wolverine asked.

"It is a long story" Silver Fox explained temptingly. I entered stealthy and hide in one corner of the transport helicopter. Wolverine is standing opposite General Wraith and Silver Fox while X-23 is nowhere in sight.

"Enough, Silver Fox!!! Howlett either you join us or will never find out about your past....What is your choice?" General Wraith sneered with a malicious grin on his face.

"I.... I...." Wolverine stammered hesitatingly.

"We could be together like we used to... and there is so many things I could tell you..." Silver Fox said reassuringly and slowly approached Wolverine.

After a short moment of silence between them, Wolverine finally said in a decisive tone "No! I rather not know my past compared to joining monster like you that experiment on mutants...Silver Fox, How could do that to a kid?".

"Then you will die!" General Wraith said aiming a Big Frame Revolver at Wolverine's head.

"You won't be able to kill me with that gun" Wolverine said snorting his nose.

General Wraith grin evilly saying "With this special bullet you will" before firing at Wolverine.

Just as I want to take action. Silver Fox shouted "No!" leap in front of Wolverine and blocked the bullet with her body.

"What?!" Wolverine exclaimed in shock but before he could charged towards General Wraith, X-23 suddenly appeared from behind General Wraith and stab him in the heart.

"X-23, what are you doing?" General Wraith gasped out in pain.

"My name is Laura Kinney and this is for my mother" X-23 replied snarling before slicing General Wraith's throat.

Wolverine held Silver Fox in his arm asked in confusion "Why you did that? Why are you not healing?"

Silver Fox struggled to catch her breath replied "... It is an adamantium.... bullet laced with poison... healing factor... useless... I love .... you....".

"Stop talking! I will get you help!" Wolverine replied desperately trying to get back up.

"No....stay..." Silver Fox said weakly before taking her last breath and died in Wolverine's arm.

Wolverine continued staring at Silver Fox who is in his arm in confusion and not sure how to feel about the whole situation. When he suddenly look up to see both X-23 and me standing in front of him.

"I am sorry! I didn't expect that she will protect you" I said apologetically.

After taking a short deep breath, Wolverine place Silver Fox on the ground before saying "It is not your fault. She made her own choice... At least in her final moments, she did the right thing...." before awkwardly glancing towards X-23 who is standing staring at him.

Feeling the awkward tension in between them, I hesitatingly said "Errr.... I will deal with the pilot. Take your time".

I head towards the cockpit and ordered the pilot to turn the helicopter around by threatening him. When I return, I find that both Wolverine and X-23 is still there not talking to each other.

After a long period of silence continue between them, Wolverine finally said "So... today must have been a really confusing day..... I am surprised to learn that I am a father.....".

X-23 continue to staring at Wolverine in silence before snorting her nose in annoyance.

Wolverine extended his right hand out to her saying "Hey kid! I know this is weird but ..... we can work through this" before scratching his head with his left hand as X-23 continue staring at him in silence.

There is a hint of confusion and hesitation in X-23's eyes but she ignored Wolverine by turn around and walk towards the hole in the helicopter while it is still in the air.

Wolverine in concern said "Hey, kid! be careful.... don't stand there, you might fall..... wait... Actually I have been thinking, we can take this slow.... maybe we can stay together in Bayville like a ..err... family....you will like it there.... kids your age...."

X-23 continue standing there in silence before hesitatingly taking out a wingwave from her belt and glance towards me saying "If I call you on this, will you pick up my call?".

Wolverine scowled slightly feeling annoyed that X-23 continue ignoring him.

"Err...yeah... sure ... call me anytime..." I replied hesitatingly as I caught Wolverine glaring angrily at me.

"Good" X-23 answered before jumping through the hole.

"Hey!" Wolverine shouted worriedly but as we looked out of the helicopter, X-23 fall from the sky towards a tall tree and used her claws to slow down her decent. After X-23 landed on the ground safely, she started running into the distance.

Wolverine looked reluctant stared at X-23 who is fleeing from the scene and he mumbled softly "Stay safe, kid".

After that, Wolverine glared at me saying "If I catch you flirting with her again, I will slice off your balls and feed them to the dogs!" unsheathing the claws in a threatening manner.

"Er.... No... I mean ... Yes... No, Sir! .... Scout's Honor!" I answered nervously having an uncomfortable feeling as I covered my private parts with my left hand. At the same time, I complain in my head (Great! I pity the fool that become his daughter's boyfriend!).

Please review, write or provide feedback.... so that i can improve myself and the story..

Special surprise!!!! Hope the conclusion is done properly....

godfreyngszecreators' thoughts
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