
Tony House Arrest

Tony glared at Natalie aka Agent Romanoff blurted out "You are fired!".

"Not your call, Tony" Natalie replied smirking before continuing "Pepper is the CEO and actually I was tasked by Director Fury to watch you once we knew that you were ill".

"Once I tell Pepper that you are a SHIELD agent, she will fire" Tony grumbled back.

Fury gestured towards Ramanoff to leave the room as he glance towards Tony, Fury said "You have been a very busy man Tony! You made your girl your CEO and you also let your friend fly away with your suit. Lucky the news about your last night stupidity is restricted or else the government will confiscating all your toys"

"I was just drunk, I is just a lapse of judgement" Tony snap back as he watch agent Ramanoff leave the room before continuing "You would have love that, with the government's help SHIELD can get hold of my suit too!"

"I don't think your toys being out in the world is not the best solution. Keep your suits, it is a matter of time before SHIELD is able to build our own suits of armor"

"So what do you want Fury?" Tony replied as he glance back at the hologram image deep in his thought.

Glancing back at the injection gun, Fury said "At first I come here to give you a method to help control the effect of palladium poisoning but it seems you have it under control. So I will say this, I want you to find your own cure and man up".

"Seems like everyone is expecting me to be able to find my own cure but I have already been looking for a suitable replacement for palladium. I have also tried every combination, every permutation of every known element" Tony replied in a frustrated tone.

The word 'everyone' caught Fury's attention but he decided to ignore it for now saying "I am here to tell you that you haven't tried them all".

Pointing towards Tony's chest, Fury said "The thing in your chest is based on an unfinished technology".

Tony argued back "No, it is finished. It has never been particularly effective until I have miniaturized it and put it into my chest"

Fury wave his hand in disagreement saying "No! Howard said the arc reactor was the stepping stone to something greater. It is suppose to kick off an energy race that dwarf the arms and at the same time make the nuclear reactor look like a triple-A battery".

Tony wondered to himself why Nightwing and Fury keep on insisting that his father has the answer to help him find a cure.

"What about Anton Vanko?" Tony asked as he suddenly thought of Ivan Vanko.

Fury replied "Anton Vanko is the other side of that coin. He saw it as a way to get rich. When your father found out, he had him deported. When the Russians found out he couldn't deliver to their need, they shipped his ass off to Siberia. Anton spend the next 20 years in a vodka-fueled rage blaming your father for his own failure which is not the best environment to raise his own son. You had the misfortune of crossing paths with his son in Monaco".

"You told me I hadn't tried everything. What do you mean I haven't tried everything? What haven't I tried?" Tony replied feeling confuse.

"He said that you were the only person with the means and knowledge to finish what he started" Fury answered back.

Tony feeling more confused by the minute replied "He said that? I don't think we are talking about the same person here. I don't know where you get your information, but he wasn't my biggest fan".

Fury pause for a few second before asking "What do you remember about your dad?".

Tony in an irritated tone replied "He was cold, he was calculating. He never told me he loved me. He never even told me he liked me, so it's a little tough for me to digest when you're telling me he said the whole future was riding on me and he's passing it down. I don't get that. You're talking about a guy who's happiest day was when he shipped me off to boarding school".

Fury sighed to himself before saying "That is not true".

"Well then, clearly you knew my dad better than I did!" Tony snapped back feeling irritated.

"As a matter of fact, I did. He was one of the founding members of SHIELD" Fury slowly replied.

"What?" Tony turned towards Fury in shock.

Agent Ramanoff entered the room leading several SHIELD agents carrying several boxes.

"I got to go. I am needed elsewhere" Fury replied as he prepared to leave.

"Wait! wait! wait! What is this?" Tony said gesturing towards the boxes.

"This is some of your father's belongings. Hopefully the answer you need, will be here".

"Really?" Tony replied not convinced as the glanced the boxes

"Natasha will remain a floater at Stark with her cover intact. Agent Clay Quartermain will be temporarily replacing Agent Coulson. If you need anything just inform him" Fury said as he gestured towards one of the agents.

"Er ... okay" Tony answered as he glance at the agent.

"That reminds me. I have met Nightwing, it seems that he mistaken our SHIELD agents as members of criminal organization. Do you know anything about it?" Fury said glaring at Tony.

Tony had a bad feeling as he slowly replied "Er... No... Why you ask?".

"Nightwing has destroyed several SHIELD's vehicles and equipment" Fury replied in a serious tone. Tony started feeling nervous and started sweating like crazy.

"He did what?" Tony shouted in shock as he swore at himself.

Tony cleared his throat nervously before saying "So what happen after that? Nightwing is an upstanding hero. I think it must be some misunderstanding".

"Hmmm.... Yes, It seems that there is some sort misunderstanding and we manage to sort it out in the end" Fury replied casually .

Tony laughed nervously said "That is good to hear.. So no one is badly injured, right?"

"Slight injures, nothing severe" Fury answered

"So how bad is the damages?" Tony asked innocently.

"Why are you so curious on this matter, Tony? Do you know something?" Fury replied as he glanced towards Tony.

Quickly looking away, Tony innocently answered "Nope! I am just acting as the middle man to solve the conflict between both of you. Since I am good friend with Nightwing, I temporarily help him pay for the damages. Just send me the bill" while sweating profusely.

Fury stared at Tony for a short moment before saying "I got my eye on you, Tony" as he leave the room.

Tony laughed nervously to himself as Agent Romanoff approach him.

Agent Ramanoff said "We have disabled all communications and there will be no contact with the outside world, this will help you concentrate to find a cure. Good luck" she leave without waiting for his reply.

Tony turning to Agent Clay Quartermain saying "Hi! So you are Coulson's replacement. Where is he now?".

Agent Quartermain replied in an unfriendly tone "I am not here to make friends. I am here to make sure you stay in your premise until you find the cure. I have been authorized by Director Fury to use any means necessary to keep you here. If you attempt to leave or play any games, I will taser you until you wet yourself. As for Agent Coulson, it is classified" before he storming out of the room too.

"Damn I am so screwed! Wonder what should I do to keep Nightwing from exposing me?" Tony mumbled to himself.

Please review, write or provide feedback.... so that i can improve myself and the story .

work work work. I just want to kick back and relax

godfreyngszecreators' thoughts
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