Mystique aka Raven Darkholme is a mutant with the ability to shape shift into anyone that believe in Magneto's cause. Her shape shifting abilities also allow her to alter the color and texture of her body to mimic artificial materials such as clothing, decelerate her aging, regenerative healing factor and have superhuman agility. Her actual physical appearance is that she has blue skin and yellow eyes.
Currently she outside of the X-mansion compound hiding in the shade of the trees making a phone call as she used her binoculars to surveil the mansion.
As the other side pick up the phone Mystique said temptingly."Erik (Magneto's actual name), I saw someone that might interest you visiting Charles"
Magneto coldly said "Stop playing games, Raven!".
"Nightwing" Mystique replied waiting in anticipation for Magneto response.
Magneto with interest question her "Are you saying he is a possible mutant".
"I am not sure" Mystique said before pointing out "but Charles is going all out in welcoming him into the mansion".
After a few moments Magneto replied "Keep up the surveillance, I will be on my way".
Changing back into my uniform, I was not worried about the X-Men or anyone else will use my abilities information against me. The reason I told them about the spider bite and the Super-Soldier Serum in my blood is because since they need to test my blood and it will be easier for them to determine my X-gene mutation.
Since I am planning to improve my power, the result they will obtain will be obsolete. Other than that, I don't only depend on my abilities to fight but also equipment and vehicle which they don't know. After changing, Logan lead me towards the infirmary while having a friendly conversation as he joke that several of the students wanted to sneak into the changing room to peek at me.
I am inside the infirmary as both Charles and Hank reviewed all the data obtained from the physical test and running test on my blood sample
"How is it going Dr Hank?" I asked him.
Hank stared at the data on his computer screen before explain "For most mutants, their mutation usually occur during puberty and some cases at a young tender age of around ten years old. Their power usually activate due to tremendous stress or other various reason".
Then Charles looked towards me "In your case, from this reading you are not born with x-gene mutation. The mixture of the spider genetic and serum change your DNA genetic sequence to .... I should say tune your x-gene".
"Tune?" I asked
"That means you will have one of the best x-gene sequence compare to most mutant where once your mutation activate, you will have synchronization to be able to use nearly 94 percent of your full mutation abilities" Hank answered in amazement.
"So what is my abilities?" I asked curiously.
Hank stared toward the monitor for awhile before finally answering "Since your x-gene is blank slate, it currently has not finish developing it marker to help indicate what type of power it will activate".
"What?" I shouted.
"Calm down Nightwing, Hank have not finish explaining" Charles tried to calm me down.
"Early indicator of the growth shows that it could be a random of few several possibilities, but I am not planning to put your hopes up" Hank explain cautiously.
"Some of the possible power you might have is "x-ray vision, telekinetic, invisibility, psionic manipulation, mimicry, elemental manipulation, darkness manipulation, molecular deceleration/immobilization, changeling and solar energy manipulation" Hank answered as he stared at the monitor.
After few minutes I replied slowly "Thanks for your help Dr Hank. You can delete everything now". Hank destroyed the results and the samples in front of me.
After taking few deep breath to calm myself, I decided to change the topic "This is the device(similar to a bracelet) that I created to help cancel the x-gene abilities" as I pass the device towards Charles and Hank.
After explaining my theories and how the device work to both of them, they ran several test on the devices. Looking at the result on his computer , Hank look at the device excitedly while Charles can be seen looking on concernedly.
"This device is amazing. It can help nullify a mutant ability, the only slight problem is that the user is only allow to use it for 8 hours daily to ensure that they don't damage their genetic DNA. This is revolutionary, this will help me to get closer in finding a cure to help mutants that do not want their powers" Hank said excitedly as he hug me tightly.
"No problem" I replied as Hank let me go and he continued staring at the data on the computer monitor.
Seeing Hank so excited, Charles smiled at me sincerely "Thank you, Nightwing. You have given us all hope" before Charles asked Hank "Do you think we can test it out safely, Hank?"
"Yes, I don't see any other problems with the device" Hank replied after double checking the results.
"Can I help out with the test?" I asked.
"Sure" Charles replied. After thinking for a short moment to himself, Charles said "I think I know who should try it out first. She currently need some hope and something to cheer her up".
Rogue is in the library, which is one of the few places in the mansion where she can get peace. Due to her power, she is not much of a people person since she don't want to accidentally touch her friends and harm them. Rogue really like the mutants in the mansion since they all have become her friends but at times she just want to be alone. She suddenly receive a telepathic call from Professor Xavier to come to the infirmary.
Entering the infirmary, Rogue nervously wished all of us "Hi!". After Charles introduce Rogue to me and explain about her abilities, both Dr Hank and I waited patiently as Charles slowly explain to Rogue about the device (x gene power nullify bracelet).
I approach Rogue slowly with the bracelet device after she nervously agreed to run the test. Realizing that Rogue is very nervous, I distracted her by gently saying "Hi Rogue, nice to finally meet you! Pity I was not able to talk to you just now. I know you are nervous but please trust me" as I smile at her reassuringly "Do you trust me?".
Rogue look into my eyes, she blushed slightly before nodding her head shyly while remaining eye contact with me as Rogue wore the bracelet.
"Good. Now close your eyes and take a deep breathes to relax yourself" I said. I can hear her heart beating much faster when she close her eyes. I took off my gauntlets.
Before Rogue could relax herself, I gently touch her cheek causing her to gasp in shock with her eyes open in fear and quickly distancing herself from me in shock.
Rogue shouted in shock "Are you crazy! That is dangerous! You can't touch me!" before realizing that her power didn't activate and she does not have Nightwing's memories or thoughts. She put her hand on her cheek realizing that I touched her and she whispered out in astonishment "It works".
I smiled at her as Charles and Hank congratulated her.
Rogue with eyes wide open in disbelief asked "Is this a dream, please don't tell me it is a dream".
"No, it is not dream" I replied as I extended my bare hand towards her.
Rogue quickly ripped off her gloves, with her hand shaking slightly she reached out and touched my hand. I could see that she have trouble believing that she is able to touch me. Overwhelm by so much emotion, Rogue started crying as I gently wipe away her tears from her face.
"Please tell me again whether is this really happening" Rogue said emotionally.
I smiled to her saying "You are holding my hand now, if my hand is warm then it is really happening".
Charles and Hank look at Rogue smiling, feeling very happy for her as they discuss on testing the device on Scott too.
"Thank you so much, Nightwing!" Rogue said excitedly holding my hand as I replied "I am happy for you".
Before I could react, Rogue grab my face with both of her hand and quickly lean in giving me a deep passionate kiss since she is overwhelm by happiness as she totally forgotten Charles and Hank is in the room.
Charles and Hank stared in shocked before Charles gave a short cough to remind her that they were there. Realizing what she has done, she blushed in embarrassment with her face turning red like a tomato unable to say anything and she seem very surprised by her own boldness.
"Sorry" Rogue said sincere as I replied feeling flustered"Err... ya ... sure!".
Please review, write or provide feedback so that i can improve myself and story..
Original same length as usual.. busy day today... next chapters will be action again