

Oscorp Industries

Alistair Smythe, head scientist under the employment of Oscorp Industries entered Norman Osborn's office. As he saw Norman standing at his office's balcony overlooking the New York City Skyline, Alistar called out to him "Mr Osborn I have brought the serum with the modification that you have requested but it is untested and I have not been able to separate the harmful effect of the serum".

Ignoring Alistair warnings Norman ordered in a commanding voice "Put it in the storage chamber! Follow me!".

Norman followed by Alistair stepped into his private elevator before it began to descend towards the underground secret lab.

As the elevator door open up at Norman's Secret Lab, walking in Norman asked Alistair "How is our test subjects result?".

Alistair replied "Sir, we have run all the required test physical and psychological effect on all the subjects. Each of their physical attributes are off the chart with the new serum but psychologically they are unstable with only one of our subject is able to maintain a sound mind".

Norman walked past all the scientists in the room as he looked at one of the subjects in the test chamber saying "That means it is a possibility that with strong will power anyone can overcome the psychological problems".

One of the scientist quickly replied "There is no evidence to proof willpower is able to deal with...".

Before the scientist finished his sentence Norman shouted "Enough! I understand the serum better than you" with everyone in the secret laboratory looking at Norman with an uneasy expression.

Suddenly Norman had an idea to use the serum on his son first before he did. Since both of them have similar DNA it will be easy to get a baseline. With that thought a sinister smile appeared on his face.


Outside Wilson Fisk's Building.

As Kingpin left his building, both me and Spiderman entered the building through one of the ventilation shaft while Colleen and Ironfist stayed outside as lookout.

As we entered the building we plug Oracle into one of the nearest security camera so that she can get access to all the security devices of Wilson Fisk's building. Oracle assisted us to avoided all the guards and the cameras easily which allowed our subterfuge to obtain all Kingpin empire's criminal activities information from his personal computer without a hitch.

Since Spiderman felt slightly bored due to our uneventful subterfuge, he started commenting on all Kingpin's photos in the room. "Kingpin is a catchy name for a crime boss but he really look more like a bowling ball than a pin or maybe a beach ball"."He looks so fat that when he wear a yellow raincoat people will yell Taxi!". "I wish i could hit his face".

Obtaining all the evidences we needed, I had to drag Spiderman out with him complaining all the way that he wish things won't be that easy all the time. Hearing all this the only thought I have is that next time I will have Black Cat to deal with all this annoyance.


Passing the evidences to Captain George Stacy to handle, we waited for approval from the law enforcement to capture and deal with Kingpin and Norman Osborn. Daredevil insisted that he will keep an eye out on Kingpin and that he must be in the team that deals with him. Luke and Jessica volunteered to stake out Norman (apparently they are dating) from the nearby hotel.


Midtown High

After school, Peter turned towards me saying "Hey Harry, do you want to hang out together at the coffee shop nearby".

Seeing that Peter wanted to talk to me in private, I played along "Sure no problem".

Felicia and MJ overhearing our conversation wanted to come along with us but I explain to them we are just having some private guy talk which made them really angry for not including them.

After taking our order at the coffee shop we decided to sit outside. Peter could be seen to be struggling to start the conversation with him acting all weird.

I decide to interrupt him saying "I see that you are not stalking Liz anymore".

Feeling flustered Peter quickly replied "No,I am no t stalking. I just realize I have been hung up on getting things that is hard to get and that we are no suitable to be together so i decided to stop wasting my time".

"Good to hear that" I replied before asking him "So why actually you invited me here, Pete?"

Peter took a deep breath before asking "As you know I don't have a father so I am just wondering about why both you and your father don't get along!".

"Well actually I don't agree with some of his actions when he run his company and he thinks I belongs to him like an object rather than a person" I replied.

Peter looked confused saying "That can't be possible as a father surely he cares about ..." before he could finish his sentence a black van suddenly pull up to the curb close to us.

Both of us looked at the black van as several men dressed in black business approached us in a menacing way.

Feeling nervous Peter asked "Do you know them? Are you involved in anything illegal?".

Looking back at Peter, I said "First thing no and second Hey! You think i am that stupid!" with him looking back replying with a soft "No".

As the men approached our table, one of the man looked at me before talking in a threatening tone "Mr Osborn, your father ordered you to come with us".

Looking back at the man talking, I answered "No, if he want to meet I prefer not to be ordered around and if anything he should call first".

One of waitress approach us "Excuse me, Sir can you please talk elsewhere you are interrupting our guest". Hearing this one of the men shoved the girl away nearly causing her to fall down with me catching her preventing her fall.

"Are you okay?" I asked her in concern with her nodding her head in confusion of why the man is being so rude. "I am not following you, please leave. Tell my father to call me next time to set up an appointment".

Just as I turn my back against him, he pulled out a baton and attacked. Before I could retaliate, Peter shoved the man aside causing him to missed. He shouted "Do you have to hit him if you to invite him to follow you!".

The man stood back up in anger replying "Mr Osborn must return with us either willingly or by force and failure is not an option" as all the men dressed in black attacked.

Surprised by the all five of the men action of drawing out the baton and attacking, Peter was stunned speechless. Seeing that Peter is not moving, I right kicked one the men in the stomach sending him flying into the path of the other two approaching men sending them sprawled on the ground.

Just as one of men the tried to approached me from behind, the waitress that the guy push took a tray and smashed it across his face causing him to fall down and faint. Peter finally made up his mind took action by sending a fist colliding the last man's sending him falling on top of the other three men.

"Tell my father to never do this again" I ordered as they limped back towards the van. Looking back at the waitress "Please calculate all the cost of damages, I will pay for it! Sorry for the inconvenienced that I have cause".

Peter looked back towards the black van finally looking resolute with his decision of stopping Norman Osborn once and for all.


Norman Osborn's Office

"You imbeciles! I told you to bring back my son but all of you return empty handed. There are five military trained men can't bring back a boy, all of you are useless!!! Get out!!!" shouted Norman in anger.

Finally calming himself down, Norman knew he don't have much time left before the military withdrew their funding from Oscorp Industries. Making up his mind, Norman walked towards the storage chamber where he has stored all the blood samples and the green glowing serums.

Picking up a small vile containing a small amount of the green Oz serum that Norman has painstakingly created, he loaded it into an injection gun. Looking at the serum in the injection gun one final time, Norman pressed the device against his forearm before pressing the trigger.

Feeling the serum coursing through his veins, Norman could feel the slight burning sensation all over his body strengthening him. Slowly opening his eyes that briefly glowed yellow before it slow return to its usual green color. Returning back to his office, he talked to himself "Sorry Harry! It is just business. Soon Nightwing will die and Spiderman will be mine!" before he started slowly laughing manically in his office.

Ps: Please review, write, rate or provide feedback so that i can improve myself and story. thanks

Just realized my chapter was not posted earlier today... sorry guys.... tomorrow all hell break lose

godfreyngszecreators' thoughts
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