

James and mercury and other planning to steal the shell from the monster, but they have to face that gigantic monster which is very huge and they can't effort to lose, they also know, they don't want to lose life against them.

But they rest for the day and now new plan they are ready, but they also preparing their plan for this mission, they know that, they can't get help from them. But ask some weapons and help from the king, but they never understand it, this is really dangerous for them, someone could die here,

James also worried about, he want to contact madam sofiya, here this is really a very difficult situation for us, and this world is very difficult against them, it difficult for them to battle underwater. James just worried about them.

Ima and mercury planning on something, they plan, that they were distracting it, they just want to monster will not come in there way, they just waiting for them, they also escape

Caron said, how huge it is, it totally cover the city even we are like a small ants in front of him, so we will find a way to escape, if that creature swallow all of us, so what will we do?

James said, you all stay here, I will bring that for you, if you come with me, I feel like, you destroy our plan, so stay here and rest. I will take care of it, don't need to battle with local peoples.

Ima said, if you die, I think you madam will kill us, so please don't go alone, your madam will love you

James said, do you think that? She really like me, that you saying

Caron said, she really love you otherwise she never jealous when we said, we steal you away from her, we just making jokes in this matter.

Kanima said, you just don't die, we just don't want to answer about you death.

James said, I will not die easily, I will die by madam hand, and I am fine with it, but now in that creature mouth, let's go, I already provide the some weapons and diving suits, we can sustain a long term battle against them.

Let's go and we will ready now go and wait outside now, they already prepare for the journey,

King and other person were, so much worried about it, they already know, they will soon go there for searching. King helping them.

King provide submarine and send them there, one the way they moving from light to darken place they move deeper and deeper, where light reaches is very, whole crew was scared.

Crew said, I will take you to the entrance, but after that, you will go by yourself, we will not helping you from there.

The whole area is very deeply dark, you can't see anything here, so make sure, don't get in other creature mouth, we never go there, sometime, and we feel danger when I see it.

We waiting for you here, please don't die here, we will not find your body in that darkest place, make sure, don't get caught by them, it will eat you.

All of the came out with torch and looking outside, but the find them very weird, but some small creature also there, but they also looking scary for them.

Caron said, I think, I will stay with fatty crew, you all can go, I don't want to die here, please you can go

Kanima and mercury grab him and go inside, all of them wearing blue diving suit and transparent helmet and flash torch attached with them.

They move toward them, but ima find suspicious, she saw that and said, this is not a cave, this a big eyes of someone big,

Creature open it eyes and look at them and open it mouth, caron trying to swim away but, she is not able to move forward

Ima said, we just want that shell, after that, we will go back, please our friend need that shell, this shell carry a parts of powerful sword, after that we will return to you.

Okay! I will give it you,

James and other shocked and said, how we can hear his voice, it hard for us to listen it, we can listen it

James look at creature big eyes and said, you will really give it to us without any problem, please repeat it, you are not eating to take away that part,

Yes! You can take it, but you have remove that shell from the teeth, that shell is you looking for. That shell was stuck in my teeth, if you remove it, you can take it.

Mercury said, this must this creature plan for eating us and digest it, do trust them

James said, you stay here, I will go there and looking for it, gigantic creature show his direction, James were able to understand the direction because of the dark and their huge size.

James find the shell, but the teeth is 100 time bigger that his size. James tool hour to search for real teeth where shell located and he pull the shell out and blood were pouring out from tooth, when it completely pull out the shell. The creature close it mouth

Creature said, if you want to return it, please return to king of world, I just protect them, you have to return it, otherwise, I will come to take it (dense voice)

Mercury said, finally we are not dying here, but look at caron, she is unconscious, we need to take her to submarine, she will drown here, take here. Hey ima!

Ima said, yes! I am coming to help you, wait there, she really scared of dark

James said, thank you,

Creature said, say hi to sofiya from me, she helping me a lot, you should rest her

James reply, I already see her as my madam, so don't worry I give that message

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