

This is somethings we have to manage by ourselves mikastus said.

We are all stuck in this situation. Soldier surrounded us from ground to sky. How we get out from here? Manish said in frustrate manners.

Mercury said, let's us go we are not the thing you punish we are from different world.

Commander of the army said, you all intruder we will take you to our queen.

Toy elephant said, I am not with him. They all torcher me and take me here. Toy said in cried manner.

Commander said, you disguise toy, don't say anything more. You will also punish for you bad duty and make yourself disguise as one of us.

Toy elephant said, I am one of you, please leave me.

Hitesh laughing in mind and his face show red because he can't stop laughing.

After that soldier capture all of them and take them to king. Some soldier see mickey with stare eyes, mickey said, I don't think this soldier has good intentions about me.

All of them taken to cage carriage and want to look for them. While taken them they all talking we have to fight until we dead, mikatsu said,

Hitesh said, if we die here. Our real body was also dead. This is something we have to use brain on it.

If we know this we will fight him. They are just toys who want to fight with us, mickey said. He also said, there was someone who kidnap me was also a thief I easy beat him.

Manny said, they are the stupid ones we have to win against him.

We finally arrive commander said, you intruder will punish as you trying to enter our country. You all face dead I will request to king.

All of them present in front king.

My lord we bring the other ones. Everyone see them, the totally look like voodoo doll with sew hair and button eyes and had with threads.

King said, last one also with them we will show this intruder a cruel punishment. King eyes was stick with mickey and ask. Who this beauty?

King eyes was stick with mickey beauty and said, look a killer beauty in our palace. What your name?

My name is mickey and there is my husband over there, my child look over there.

Mickey call toy elephant his child.

Toy elephant said. I am not his child.

King said you forget you mother like that when you get caught.

Toy elephant cried and ask please don't punish me.

King said to him you will not punish so don't worry.

Hitesh ask king, who are you? What do you want with us?

He reply we are toy who was very torcher by guy like you. This cause our aura to fight with him and make this world.

Manish this is cause of this world and want us to kill. You human soul was taken here so you will die here. You will feel how we feel when you play with us.

This war will not end here, until we get our revenge.

Other shoulder call him good king resonate voice in palace.

Hitesh break through the cuff and attack king and make him hostage. All soldier were stands and see leave our leader otherwise we will kill you.

Manish also break through cuff and also release other except that toys. Mickey remove the disguise of the toy elephant and hide his torn cloth with them.

Hitesh said, he is one of you so take care. He work very hard. We will see if they will find us with me. We are not the one who will win.

Voodoo doll use magic and put all of them into sleep. When they walk up they all in prison. Tomorrow is your execution day.

He left after tell them. After this Hitesh said, this is something about that doll.

Mikastus said he use magic here we can't.

When I touch them I feel like someone was inside that. It means them trying to hide their true identity.

Cobra said, we manage to escape here but. Who is the person? Trying to kill us.

We need to think before they kill us. They are the killer, we will find to way out.

Jika said, don't worry I will take care of it. He tried to open the gate of prison but he can't.

Masu said she open a wire from hides and open it with in second. This is peace of cake when I was thief.

If we attack the person we will win. Toy has bad fight moment. We have to see and spread to the palace and looking fot the door and we will take care of soldiers and that doll as well. We will fight to soldiers and win. Manny ask where is mickey.

Mickey was strugglw with doll. Voodoo doll take them to his room. He said you beauty why you with that thief and intruder? Just stay with me and play. Find the people who have to key to everydoor of this palace.

Mikatsu we will looking for mickey and other will look for door. We believe king is with mickey.

caron said how a guy seduce the guy.

Manny said don't joke around. We have to find him before they find out about him.

Mickey said, I am happy with my husband please leave me. I will take care of myself. This is something we have to fight. In this fight we will fight together mickey said in mind. Mickey jump in bed and trying to dodge him. King trying to grab him. He just jump down and throw the vas towad king. Kind in romantic way, why you throw at me? Just come with me and show your killer move. We have a power of love king said. Mickey reply I give a heart to my husband in girl voice. I am a guy you stupid. Your voice in hard but you look beautiful

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