

Hissona, rhi, J, beee, loha and Sinha they all prepare for the fight. Rhi said go and bring loha and simha we need both of them. You just need your horn to destroy this.

Rhi said, actually I never fight in my home.

Hisson said beee and j both go and bring them we will find other creature to take down that flower.

Okay we go, loha and simha was never in class because they get a basic training for attend the academy.

Rhi said, they all fight and make sure no bindweed reach to student room. Hissona check the other room for help. This creature plant cause us a big pain.

Headmaster was under the gas.

In Hitesh dream, Hitesh beg to not go to his brother. His brother said I am not live with weak brother. Brother I am not weak I am strong.

When a mirror appear from anytime. He saw himself a small kids. Hitesh mother came and hello my son.

Hitesh mother said, you are still kid to play with a weapon you are not strong.

Hitesh said in mind I am just kid how could I win against my brother if I grow up it will easy for me to become strong.

I am not happy to see this. Mikatsu was run away from armor beast he never want to face.

Mercury was walking on a rope in tallest mountain.

Other also face their fear in their dream. They just can't understand that this is just a dream. If they face it they will get out from dream

Now the cause of this attack was Sinha. He also face punishment of his leader. He scared of his leader. He can't face his leader.

Flower gas spread very fast. Rhi and other manage to bring loha and simha. They start their plan.

Rhi, we have to take her away from water, this flower will increase and eat our master and partner.

This cause a big problem for us. Beee also bring winged lioness and saber.

Loha said, both you must be jenny pets, she also in danger if we can't beat this monster, Where is it is now.

Look up sky him covering the whole campus, let's see where we attack.

Hisson said root.

Rhi suggest, Poisonous spikes was in root if we manage to get a root. The poison also a problem. Saber just burn them.

This will word, let's spread and find something to burn. Library!

J said, that's lots of book if we do that they will kill us. We have look toward kitchen.

That's place was only thing we find something to burn this plant creature. Hissona said can we j to talk to him.

J said this creature can't contact us. They think himself as high status plant so they look us down status.

Beee said you are small, so what the matter? HA!

Simha said, this is not a time for joke just find something we can use to burn. I'm kitchen we all collect anything that can burn.

Other are stop bindweed of this plant creature. Rhi you also stay here and hold them for us. We soon back.

Rhi reply I never fight in life.

Bee said, you said a female fight with this monster, you are so mean rhi,

Rhi ask, why you take j.

J reply, I am just small you can't imagine me to fight.

Hisson gave j to rhi and said fight like a man, We are fighting like rat.

Rhi ask what?

J said, Run they will eat us, we have distract him form other.

Rhi ask, What we do right now j?

J reply, currently my only option is running, Rhi you don't follow me you are big please can you back to you kid form.

Okay! After many encounter with bindweed of that flower. They manage to hide. Those other flower also stared to walk around campus and tried to grab student and teacher to flower mouth.

If you think so you mean you are with other. J said take this you damn flowers.

J yell, How dare you touch my beautiful master?

This is not a time for sentimental with girl rhi comfort j. We all have to distract him. Other are looking in kitchen.

Hitesh still get into deeper of dream. If he go deeper he will lost and never came back. Hitesh play with mother and father in dream. He ask mother where is brother?

Father, you don't have brother. If you think you could win against him. First you have to grow up my son.

Hitesh ask, Where is my brother?

Hitesh mother said, She said you are not grown up.

Hitesh remind, this make a memory blast in his mind. So he only ember the word his brother said to him when he was child.

That make him confuse. Hitesh wait for food, look food is coming. We all know that he is only one who said this word to me.

He then realize that he grown up. His brother was in bed for long time. Hitesh then realize that that was dream.

Hitesh brother, finally you realize my brother, this is a dream.

Hitesh ask, Brother! Where are you?

Hitesh brother, I am in front of you.

Brother! How I you in my dream.

I am not in your dream, I am in your fear. You see a light behind me this path will take you to outside of this world.

Thank you brother! Thank you for what, brother said? You have to fight and win then you go out from here. If you lost your stuck here forever.

Jenny see a dream. I just want your power little girl. If you win you can escape from here. If you lost you will be this world people. Jenny worst nightmare she never want to think was came into her dream.

Jenny sacred and sweat in died. He run away from incident that happened long time ago. She is still can't escape from dream. We will win and escape from it.

World where you born was shattered by your mother. You still want to live jenny. Just give up and come with us.

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