

Before master and servant caught by bee. They mistook something before entering the forest. Manish, Hitesh, diat. Masu, spirit soldier, caron are stuck in ground holes traps and other like ninja, jika, tea, rat, kanima, watchdog, mikatsu, hira were capture by rope trap. Rope are tied in their leg and they were upside down. No one see in dark night where is a traps. They didn't expect the trap.

Mercury, earth. Haruma, hunger, cobra, were directly catch by centaur soldiers. Jenny took a small path. She carry camera with them. Camera where she mistakenly took picture of a female centaurs and king centaurs at good angle. Where they look like kiss each other. When they catch all of them. Jenny also taken by another soldier came from patrolling.

He catch her and taken to king and queen centaurs.

Queen ask, what you are doing here. She shows the photo. She find out his affairs. She eagerly angry in him.

Queen angrily said look you have an affair with her.

What are you saying? King nervously speak

Look what this photo is. Queen said.

Queen order them to kill female centaur.

Female centaur said, she shocked and said, queen I never had an affair with king. They use magic to fool you.

Group of soldier who was pursue jenny last time see the picture of king.

Queen said, you called me fool.

King explain, this is not what you think.

Centaure leader wife "queen" she throw photo and used her own sword to kill her.

Lazy soldier said, look boss. What a good photo?

Queen stop, and move toward that soldier who called this a good photo

What this good about this photo, queen ask

Look female centaurs kiss, Jill centaur, group of centaurs was pursue jenny last time. One of the centaur said

Your eyes need treatment. Other soldier said

Female centaur is kissing king. Soldier explain

No! She kiss Jill, that soldier explain

Where? Right side soldier ask

Look at reflection in water. Water with fire you can see. Lazy soldier said

Water? Left soldier see

Queen came and look in picture. Why they look kiss each other. She took photo at an angle that they look each other. Queen said, that's right.

Sorry! King and female centaur. Kill those human. Leader wife said

Ma'am they all escape. Soldier said

What you still looking my face bring here? Queen shout

I will kill you. Soldier follow them

In queen bee jenny want honey. Everyone explain, she still like begin with. You came here master creature partner with me. Don't you know who I am? queen bee


You just used high voice against our queen. Soldier speak to jenny.

Yes! jenny

Other are already scared and want to get out here. Why we here? Jenny want honey. She still need treatment.

Manish said, stop her. We will die here.

Spirit soldier said, we can explain him. Please stop jenny.

Jenny! Stop talking non sense. Don't you look we are in danger.

jenny said, I want honey.

Hitesh said I will buy you later.

She said, I AM JENNY!

I want honey now.

Caron said, mother Elizabeth.

Queen ask, why you used name Elizabeth.

Caron said my mother name is Elizabeth maton.

Queen ask, She still show off.

Yes!! How do you know? caron

Queen bee order them put them down.

Do you know my mother? Caron ask

Queen smile and speak she saved my daughter life. Once she came. My daughter want to see outer world. She went out without our knowledge.

Your mother also came here. She want honey for become beautiful. Our honey use in beauty product. We also has business with magical human. But we don't want them to come here and take. We send them when because of demand.


SHE AGAIN! Everyone said

Jenny said, bring honey for her. She will just shouting. She licking the wall.

Stop her! Spirit soldier grab her and walk along with other.

Diat ask how much you get from selling honey.

Queen bee reply, we get money. We building a large complex. We have make connection with outer world.

Queen bee commander expalin, we are not like centaurs, who need human as sacrificial dog. I am not become your partner.

Queen bee said, you can take my daughter. She still want to see outer world. But make sure, she will not get any wound. Otherwise I will personally kill you.

She enter a chamber where bee maid was there to provide food. Whole food made by honey. She order to call her daughter. While eating they talk about. You are all looking for rare creature as partner.

Queen bee, my daughter is no use. She is not good at fighting. She just need honey every day. Why make you do such stupid things queen bee ask.

We think that jenny do it, masu said

Jenny who? Bee commander ask,

Her diat said

Who make her as partner? Queen bee ask

Caron answer kinjung

Kinjung! Are you kidding with queen bee? Maid said

She make a kinjung as partner. Caron said

Yes! She is a master of kinjung Hitesh said

No! She is servant and daughter of ren. Caron said

She is a daughter of ren. Maid shock and repeat

Famous one? Commander ask

Yes! Caron said

Queen scared and stand up and said Sorry for my mistake my lady.

Hitesh said, don't worry queen. She break relation with her mother. She tried to suicide in servant department.

Don't worry she has no memory of her mother. She just want food and sleep. Hitesh said while put his hand on her head.

Most important think she never bath.

Hitesh ask, next creature rhinosaurous, t rex, kaminari,

Bee commander, you don't wangnaur and draganaur. They are also, don't go there. They still looking for revenge. Other get you can from line wise

Big solid wall you cross and you get rihnoasaurous. They biggest tresses you get kaminari. T rex I don't know.

If you look for other creature they will in their area. Commander explain

Princess bee came as said, hello mother.

Queen bee said, Meet him, she said hello without smile. You can go with them to see outer world with them.

She smile said yes mother.

But you already see the last time. Queen bee daughter ask

So, I am strong mother, queen bee said

I will never lost again. I am your daughter.queen bee daughter said

She is daughter of maton. Queen bee show to caron

That girl who save me from that time. Queen bee daughter ask

Yes! Prepare and go. Queen bee said,

Can we take her while we back? Hitesh said,

Queen bee said, don't worry she can take care of herself.

Queen bee explain, kaminari and we have good relation except from rhinoasaurous. She also take you with the direction.

Other are still confused with each other. Jenny ask where is kamo.

Commander said, it extinct long time ago.

They all talking in yellow and big chamber and open it to the south direction where they can see the height of the place. Tree was lower but some trees are big. So they can see them and bird was in tree and nest release baby bird voice in air

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