
Jealous Husband

Ryu finally came home after a few days of intensive work.His clothes,though regularly changed were still rumpled and he was too tired to even stand.His team also was exhausted and resembled pandas with big dark circles under their eyes.Every office employee was reaching the office but Ryu's team was dragging themselves back to their homes.They had finally finished work and were given today off.Nobody dared to dawdle lest they be dragged back into the office.They had only today off and had to report back on time tomorrow morning.Even though they would be handsomely rewarded,right now they were too exhausted to care.

All other employees who coveted a position in the CEO's team looked at these Zombie like people and prayed that they were not transferred to that office.

Ryu dragged his tired self to the door of his house.He thanked the driver,who had accompanied him fearing that he would fall, and went inside.His house smelt like a bakery.Looking at the kitchen,he saw Alicia and Ru making some mysterious shapes with white dough.He felt his tiredness leaving his body at the cozy scene and leaned against the door watching them.

Soon,Ru realized that his father was home.Running at lightening speed,Ru went to his father and hugged his legs. Ryu ruffled his hair playfully but said nothing.

"Come father,me and mother have prepared a surprise for you."

With that,Ru pulled Ryu towards his bedroom.However,before they could move a few steps,Alicia interrupted,"Ru baby,let your father freshen up and have something to eat."

Ryu shook his head and interrupted,"I have no energy to eat.I'll see what my little master had prepared and then sleep after a shower."

He,then went ahead with Ru who ultimately dragged him to his own bedroom.Though this room was his,it had changed from one side.The plain wall on one side had been turned into a photo exhibition!There were more than 20 frames from the top to the bottom.He stared at it blankly and then turned to see Ru's expectant face.

With a small smile,he said,"It looks beautiful little master.A collection of memories.Hmm..What were you making in the kitchen.As Ryu was talking,he took off his suit jacket and was unbuttoning his shirt.

We are making bed rolls for supper!Mother is preparing western dinner tonight so we need bread.They are going to be delicious.Father!I have to help mother put the rolls on the cooling rack!You made me forget it!"

With that Ru scurried back towards the kitchen but came back almost immediately with a bottle in his hands.With that he stuffed the ginseng drink into his hands and ran back.Throwing off his shirt into the laundry basket,Ryu drank up and went to take a leisurely shower.

Once refreshed from the shower,Ryu tied a towel around his waist and laid face down on the bed.Lying down,he stared at the wall full of photos.So many happy memories and Alicia had brought them to life.He did not even have the energy to cloth himself.His exhaustion was surfacing and he had almost fallen asleep staring at the wall when suddenly his eyes snapped open.On the side was the photo of seven men with big smiles in colorful sporty clothes.They were definitely not a part of his family!Alicia Alicia.Picking up his phone,he made a phone call to his missus who was downstairs asking her to come upstairs..

Wasn't it too much to put her crush's picture in their bedroom?

Alicia came to the room with a happy smile not expecting that her hubby was stewing in vinegar..But she was met with an unexpected sight of Ryu's bare back!His towel was reaching the back of his knees leaving everything else bare.She felt her throat dry and her mind go blank.His back resembled the cover photo of the model on her favorite erotica book.Beautiful...He could feature on any erotica book cover and all the copies would be sold out...Yum...He was totally...

Alicia was so lost in her appreciation that she did not realize that Ryu had asked her why there was a picture of strange men hanging in their room?

She whispered the last word of her thoughts out loud,"Eye candy."

Ryu who's back was towards her did not realize that she had uttered the appreciation for him.He could almost feel steam coming out of his ears.

Not sensing the weird atmosphere or the fact that she had blurted out her thoughts,Alicia moved to stand near Ryu but at a respectable distance and said,"Don't you love them?"

She was talking about the entire wall as she sighed the question but Ryu misunderstood her even more.

He angrily turned towards the door,closed and locked it and then pulled the baffled Alicia into his arms.He needed to remind her of his charms!

Hmpf...eye candy...He was the only eye candy she was allowed to appreciate!

I think I have somehow offended the publishing gods here at Webnovel!The previous 2 chapters were supposed to be a part of the mass release but something went wrong with the timer :(

But a promise is a promise...so mass release!!!

har_kcreators' thoughts
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