
The Child

What do you usually do when you hear a scream?

Well among common reaction in movies and the like, the main character will follow the sound. During this kind of scene I can't help but think how stupid that character was.

First of all, when you hear a scream it's given that this is already a warning sign that something bad happened. Second, if you are in a setting where there are zombies, the common sense here is that sounds can attract them. Finally you can read the warning signs from the atmosphere. So every time this happens I can't help but think how idiotic it is to go find the source of the sound than going further away.

One time when I was pulled by my friend to watch a movie which was in a similar setting. I remembered that on the scene where the protagonist heard a scream and still went to check it out, I wasn't able to stop myself and say my opinion to my friend. Back then I still remember what my friend answered.

"Well… that's how the story goes… it won't be interesting if not."

I don't really know if my friend was just lazy and answered like that but somehow I was expecting some kind of better explanation for their behavior. I'm not really good at understanding complicated things but aside from the story being interesting, I have been thinking if there is even a deeper meaning about it.

You might be wondering why I'm thinking these useless things right now… Well to answer that question, it's because right now I am doing what I usually criticize from those movies.

It was around the time I was cautiously walking down the stairs from the upper floor after resting and composing myself from vomiting my heart out when I heard the scream.

The 4th floor was where my classroom was located. Directly below the infirmary of the 5th floor was the first classroom located on the 4th floor. The 2nd year students were the once that were occupying the whole floor. Starting from this classroom, there are 3 more rooms to pass by before my own classroom. From where the scream was coming from it was definitely around that place.

Despite the red warning sign that seemed to flash in my mind, curiosity and hope of another person besides me compelled me to follow the sound.

'Now… I have one possible idea why those characters do it…' I smiled wryly as I thought.

Checking out to make sure no walking zombies were around I walked down until I reached the last step before I stopped and peeked at the corner to look if the hallway was safe. To my utter amazement there was no sign of any walking dead anywhere, thought you can see how messy the floor was with dead bodies and bloodstain.

You can also see the windows destroyed along the hallway some even have blood on it. From this alone you can imagine how terrifying the chaos has been. The whole school has more than thousands of students. In this building alone there are more than 1000 students. How many died and how many survived can be imagined from this scene alone.

My mouth went dry and my hands become sticky with sweat.

The hallway was illuminated by the setting sun with eerie blood like color. Adding the chaotic scene of blood and bodies it really gave a very scary visual. Looking at it in one way, it seems like a very well made scene found in horror movies. Usually these kinds of things really do not have any impact for me when I was forced by my friend to watch… but watching and experiencing it are on a totally different level!

The scene I saw on the floor above was not even as terrifying than this. The smell of death was so thick on the wind and it was choking me.

Who really have the guts to walk through this hallway littered by dead bodies? Who knows if those are even really dead or were already zombified.

Leaning my head on the cold wall seemed to clear my mind. 'I'm already here… standing here will get me nowhere.' I tried to console myself as I peeked at the hallway again.

As I scouted the place, I tried to look as far as I can from my position however it was very weird that there were no walking zombies here when I definitely heard the scream from this floor.

Inhale, exhale… Inhale, exhale…

'Ok! I can do this!'

I gripped the pole in my hand tightly as I walked forward cautiously. As I walk silently and neared the first dead body. I slowly extended the pole and poked at it. Seeing that it did not respond I released a breath and continued to do the poking as I walked to make sure none of the dead bodies are 'playing dead'.

It seems I was able to adapt with the visuals of blood and gore after the experience on the floor above. Thought I can't help but still uncomfortable and disgusted, It was not as bad as vomiting again like awhile ago. I can't help but applaud myself for this strange but strong adaptability however somewhere in a corner of my mind, I was also feeling scared of my fast adaptability on this situation.

As I arrived at the first classroom I decided to peek inside to check if there any walking dead inside. It's not good to have 'them' suddenly sneaking behind me.

I can't help but let a soft gasp as I saw the state of the room. I shudder as I imagined if I was in this classroom when it started.

Biting my lower lip, I continued to walk forward.

I continued to check each room I pass by and noticed that the state of it became more and more chaotic. I also started to have cold sweat as I started to recognize some of the dead bodies on the hallway and at the rooms I peeked at.

It was then when I peeked at the last room before mine when I saw something out of ordinary.

The lighting in the room was not that good since the light coming from the hallway did not extend all the way inside it and from my spot I can also see cluster of tables that was pushed around and others that already fell. The shadows from poor lighting plus the cluster of tables and chairs created scene which hinder me from seeing anything.

There seemed to be something hiding in the shadows.

Since I was too scared to step inside, I narrow my eyes as I tried to discern what was inside.

'To enter or not' this question seemed to pop in my mind as I looked on.

Two imaginary 'me' inside my mind deliberated about this issue and after a long debate the 'me' who wanted to check inside won.

With caution that shot up to the sky and nerves that was tight as a rope I walked inside the room. I also gripped the pole so tightly that it hurt my hands.

Entering the room, I stop until the part where there were still light.

"Hello?" I said uncertainly. If it was a person, they will definitely answer back. Right?

As my eyes got used to the low visibility of the room, I got to see a small shadow at the corner of the room. Since there were many chairs scattered around and blocked my vision, I was unable to get a clear understanding of it.

Biting my lips, I cautiously neared the place. At this point of time, I can hear my heart started to pound faster and stronger.

Like watching a horror movie where you are at the climax part before the monster jumped at the character. Eyes wide, held breath, heart pounding scene!

'I might as well die from heart failure! Ah!'

It was then that I saw a silhouette of a child. However what caught my attention was the figure of a student which was lying on the floor, specifically the head which was impaled with a metal pole that seemed to have come from one of the chairs.

I was speechless at the scene. Was this done by the child?

I cautiously poked the dead body. When it did not respond, I hurriedly rushed to the child at the corner.

"Hey… are you alright?" I softly called the kid.

The child was huddled at the corner, since it was too dim I can't see what he looks like. He was also hugging his knees as his head was bent deep between his arms and knees. Thought he looked about 10 to 12 years old.

I slowly moved closer so not to frighten the kid further.

"Are you alright?" I asked softly as I tapped his shoulder.

The shocking paleness of the kid nearly made my heart jump out of my mouth as the kid raised his head from between his knees.

I swallowed a mouthful of saliva as I looked at the kid.

"Are you alright?" I was able to ask again despite the quiver in my voice. Despite the paleness of the kid I felt that he was not a zombie. I don't know why but I have a strong feeling that he was not a zombie or an enemy.

"I've been bitten…"

"Eh?" I froze as I heard what the kid said. It took a while before my mind was able to digest what he said.

My eyes traveled down and saw the glaring wound on his neck and shoulder. I only noticed it now that my eyes adjusted to the dim lighting of the room.

"I'll become like them right?" The kid continued. Fear can be detected from the soft and shaky voice of the child.

My mind was caught in a dilemma on how to answer his question when he and I knew what will happen.

"You'll be alright…" I whispered, not looking at his eyes.

Avoiding the child's gaze I removed my backpack and hurriedly took out the bandage from the bag. I didn't really know how to use the boxed medicines but I do know a little about first aid on cleaning and dressing the wounds.

I was already sweating a lot when I finished. Despite my clumsiness I was relieved that I completed the task. Watching someone doing it and doing it for practice was 100% more difficult than doing it in a real situation.

Mentally and physically exhausted I weakly sat beside the kid. From the start till I finished cleaning and bandaging, the kid and I never spoke. I really didn't know what to say in this situation and he seemed too weak to speak as well.

Closing my eyes I tried to rest my mind. After a while I looked at the door of the classroom and noticed that the light was dimmer and I can't help think that night was approaching.

'Can I survive until dawn…?'

As my mind wondered my head tilted and looked at the kid beside me. My eyes were drawn to the white bandage that was already soaked with blood. Seeing the blood and the paleness of the kid's face, the word death seemed to persistently nudge my mind but I tried to brush the thought away.

Death, what a heavy word! Ah! However somewhere inside me, I have accepted that this will be something that I will be encountering from now on. From all the dead bodies I saw since leaving the infirmary to my encounter with this kid that seems to be in the verge of death, I knew that this is already a world that the weak can't live on.

Die or Survive. Only two options for us that is still alive. And I was one of those people who chose to live.

How true was the saying that I usually hear. A person will not really be able to fully understand the value of something until it is lost. Now, the seemingly boring days that I sit in class became something I wish I can go back to.

Longing for the old days and fear of the unknown future really can make any person mentally and emotionally drained.

Pulling back my thoughts, I softly spoke with the kid.

"Oh… I have not introduced myself yet… I'm Fei Hawthorne…what's your name?"

I waited a minute, checking to see if he will answer my question. When I thought he will not answer me, he started coughing. I panicked but quickly positioned my hand at his back and gently patted to ease his coughing fit. As I help ease his cough, I can't help but notice how abnormally hot his body was.

Seeing that his cough settled I took the water bottle beside me to let him drink.

"Here… drink some water…" I slowly said as I assisted him in drinking. Some of the water was used to clean his wound so the remaining water have to be preserved since there is no guarantee that I can find any water later on.

"Thank you…" He whispered.

He looked at me and I can see that the fear from his eyes has disappeared and replaced it was determination and also hope. I knew that he wanted to say something so I decided to keep my mouth shut and waited for him to continue.

"I know…I'm about to die but before that I hope you can help me do something…"

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