
A Reckless Proposal

This world may be different from that of the earth that Linkin came from; however, it did not take long for him to realize that some things never changed in regard to human nature.

Those with wealth would always look down on those without. And their pride would never allow them to back down from a fight against those of lower status than them.

This is why Linkin purposely spoke in an obnoxious tone that was loud enough for those at the luxurious mat to hear. He wanted to agitate them and work up their pride in order to open a path forward for himself.

'Since you've invited me, how can I refuse your kind offer?'

During his time in the Den of Everdreams, Linkin noticed that not just anyone could approach the high stake games. If one were not a merchant or noble, they would immediately stick out like a sore thumb. After all, no normal person was brave or foolish enough to play a game with people so far above them in status and wealth.

In the end, Linkin was still new to this world. So, he could not do anything that stood out too much. That being said, Linkin knew that high risks often brought about great rewards. That's why he needed a way to get to the final Riza-Azir mat without making it seem as though it was of his own accord.

Unfortunately, the only way to do that was to receive an invitation from someone else at the mat. However, seeing as how Linkin barely knew anyone in this world, let alone within a place like the Den of Everdreams, who would ever consider extending an invitation to him?

Since Linkin understood his circumstances, he knew he had to use a different method to "force" his invitation to the final mat.

William boldly daring him to play at the final Riza-Azir mat—it was the same as inviting a fox into a hen house!

Linkin hid his excitement and gleefulness deeply as he looked back towards William with a troubled expression.

He then said in a flustered manner, "S-surely you jest. How could someone like me dare play with these esteemed ones? I got lost in my excitement and accidentally misspoke earlier. Please, accept my sincere apologies. I only have these 3 reisai to my name. How can I possibly afford to play with these esteemed ones?"

When William heard Linkin's words and saw his flustered reaction, a smirk formed on his face as he glanced over at Augustus, who was seated next to him.

"I have been trying to make a connection with Sir Augustus and the Golden Hand Merchant Group for months. If I can use this chance to make a good impression and stick up for the reputation of the Golden Hand Merchant Group, wouldn't it increase his opinion of me? Then, it's only a matter of time until my Emerald Elephant Merchant Group rises up!" William thought to himself as his grin seemed to become wider with every passing moment.

"Hmph, it's just a few reisai. If you want, I can even lend you 1 tousai. Of course, you'll have to pay me back. Let's see... Since I'm feeling rather generous today, how does five times the borrowed amount sound with a set 10% daily interest rate?" William said as he held up five fingers.

'Oh? Damn, look at this guy. Could he be any more obvious? Even the loansharks back on earth wouldn't give out such trash terms.'

When William spoke, those at the other Riza-Azir mats Linkin played at were dumbfounded. In fact, even the individuals who were not over at the Riza-Azir mats had their attention grabbed by William's outrageous proposal.

1 tousai? That was almost the entire annual salary of a city guard! On top of that, he would have to pay back five times the amount in addition to a set daily interest rate of 10%. This meant that Linkin would have to pay back 5 tousai. And, if he did not settle the debt immediately, it would increase by 1 reisai every day.

With that kind of deal, every ten days, Linkin would be forced to pay an additional 1 tousai on top of whatever else he already owed! That kind of reckless debt was something that the average person could not afford to take on!

"Hah, that guy—he should just bow down and beg for forgiveness. There's no way he'll accept such a stupid deal." Tonne commented.

"Right? What kind of idiot would accept those ridiculous terms? It's obviously a scam." Neverland chimed in.

Everyone had similar thoughts to Tonne and Neverland. Anyone with basic common sense wouldn't fall for William's obvious ploy that would practically lock one into a lifetime of servitude.

"1 tousai? I'll take it! I'll take it!" Linkin said excitedly as moved with quickened steps over to the luxurious mat with a look of avarice in his eyes.

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