
Fei Lian's Memory (2)

Before Xing could control her thoughts, some more of Fei Lian's Memory flooded inside her brain.


As he watched over the little baby boy grow. He made contact with the little boy, he called 'Little Yuan'. And he got closer to his grandson who was fearless and with attitude. He didn't watch his daughter grow, so he will watch her son grow.


As he taught him everything he knew and took him everywhere he went not even heeding the advice of the heavenly emperor. He was really attached to his Little Yuan.

The Heavenly Emperor was interested in him too. He had the blood of three great gods flowing in his veins after all! He had a higher probability to become their Prince.

But since he showed no sign, he lost interest in little Yuan. And no one knew Little Yuan was Fei Lian's grandson in the Heavens. 😂

But Fei Lian didn't lose interest .

He loved his grandson mre each passing day.

Then there was despair...

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