
She's Back!

Caroline was happy when her nephew finally stops crying. She put her nephew in the bassinet and brought him to the swimming pool area. She pressed the remote control and the curtains parted in the middle of the glass wall presenting her the marvelous sight of the Makati Skyline.

A bright smiled appeared on her lips. She's back! Here she is at last, able to see and enjoy her favorite place in John's flat again. She took her nephew from the bassinet and holds him in her arms and talk to him. "Hi baby, mommy's here, I will take care of you from now on," she murmured over and over again.

Baby James coos and wriggled his chubby arms and legs and his mouth twitched into a smile.

"Good boy baby James," she showered his cute arms and feet with kisses.

The infant likes it, he smiled at the face of the woman he thought was his mother.

And their bonding started at that moment onward. In baby James eyes his mother has come back that's why he feels good again.

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