
Drop The Bomb!

John continued to watch Catherine's every move while she was frolicking in the water.

Catherine enjoyed swimming on her own, completely ignoring John's presence.

John reached down and touch his stiff rod between his legs.

Damn! He wants to f*ck someone hard tonight, and that someone looks to be immune by his charm.

He wants to get laid!

Right now he was ready to devour her, f*ck the consequences!

He swims slowly towards her unsuspecting form. She was busy admiring the dazzling display of lights outside, her back facing him. Her face was bright and animated. She looks so damn beautiful that it hurts real bad that he can't touch her!

John's look was glazed, he comes to the point of no return.

He halted a few inches behind her...

His breath was now fanning at her bare back.

Catherine stiffened...her breath was caught on her throat. All the hairs on her neck were standing...she was aware of his body so close to hers. His body was now pressed on her back, sending magnitude of heat creeping up all over her body, he was now trapping her body between his and the cold hard tiles, his hot lips descended on the skin of her back. She gasped.

John's lips were now busy licking the creamy skin of her sexy back, his hands imprisoned both her hands and pressed firmly to the tiles of the pool.

Catherine suddenly turn around facing him...she saw the thick hot desires smoldering in his eyes and the way he stare at her looks like he was going to swallow her whole...she was starting to melt under his scorching gaze, her throat suddenly gone dry...

"J-John...d-don..." she manages to utter his name before his lips close in for a kiss, blocking her mouth from saying another word.

The moment John got hold of her lips, she was already a goner. The magnetic power John had over her body always clouds her senses, she can't think straight if he already starts touching her intimately, as if her body is no longer her own.

When John picks up her legs and wrapped it around his hips, she wasn't able to protest. Her body was now turning into a jelly, so soft and pliant to be mold in any way he wants. When John starts grinding on her center, a liquid fire of desire shoots up to her belly down to her center between her legs, a moan escape her lips.

John got so aroused upon hearing her moan, his erect shaft began grinding vigorously into her core in nonstop motion.

Catherine felt his hard manhood rubbing furiously into her core, up and down and there were moments he would plunge his rigid member like a sword right into her core, eliciting a loud gasped and moan from her lips. She was afraid that the thin fabric of her swimsuit would give away and he could enter her for real.

John at this point was feeling energized, his nonstop banging on her core only ads up to his raw desire to enter her. He was praying and hoping her swimsuit would tear apart in the middle so that he can enter her. Not satisfied with the swimming trunk hampering his erection and seeing that Catherine was already in the throes of passion, he finally freed his manhood and bang it right into her core a bit forceful giving their sexual activity a real feel, Catherine's eyes widen. She was not able to protest 'coz John claimed her mouth once again, as his repetitive banging of her core mounted to the highest peak bringing her closer to her first orga*m for the night, she did have an orga*m...and it happened not only once but twice. John also got his own and a satisfied smiled curled up in his lips, he embraces Catherine and let the tremors of passion rundown on their body.

He kissed her mouth again.

He finally let go of her lips, her hips and put back on his swimming trunks, she was clinging to his body, her face burrowed into his six-pack muscle, still breathless.

Oh God, what just had happened? Did they just have sex right now? She looked down to her swimsuit, it's still intact.

John saw the confusion displayed on her face. "Why? Do you want the real thing, Catherine? Let's go to my bedroom and finish everything there," he said softly, his suggestion was done in a mischievous way.

She pushed him away from her.

"Did, w-we just have sex?" she asked bewildered.

John chuckled amused by her reaction. "No, we don't. It's called pleasuring each other without penetration. In a nutshell, I obeyed your no sex policy which is the most important thing for you," he smiled loving her reaction.

Catherine got it. She should have added 'no pleasuring' on her list, but what they just did earlier was like having real sex, she shook her head feeling dumber every minute.

John suddenly wrapped Catherine in his arms and kissed her forehead. "Catherine, rest your worries, we didn't have sex today, okay?" He wants to smother her worries and uneasiness away.

"John...I wanna go home," she said.

"The night is still young, Catherine. Are you hungry? I can order some foods. Or if you want we can watch a movie in my mini home theater, you wanna see it?" he was buying more of her time to make her stay longer by his side.

"I want to drink water, am thirsty," she said.

They got out of the pool and donned their robes. They went to the kitchen and John opened the fridge to get cold water for Catherine.

She sipped the water while eyeing the shiny countertop oven in front of her. Wow! Oven! She'd been dying to buy one of her own and bake some cookies or cake! Just that she can't afford to buy an oven.

"Wow, oven! Are you using it?" she asked.

"Yeah, when am heating some pizza...that's all. I haven't used it extensively for cooking because I always ordered foods at my favorite restaurant."

He was amused by her fascination with his oven.

John called his favorite pizza parlor and ordered two boxes of pizza to be delivered within fifteen minutes.

He saw the interest on her face. "Next time, if you came here you can bake cookies or cake on it," he offered. He opened a cupboard and she saw complete baking utensils hidden in there. "You can use everything in here."

Catherine's eyes sparkled and she smiled. She would love to use it for practice baking, but she has no plan to be back here in John's place. That's too bad.

"You can take a bath now in my bedroom and change into dry clothes. I've ordered a pizza for us, later we will watch movies in my mini movie theater," he said.

They both entered his bedroom.

John picks up a pair of his t-shirt, shorts, and briefs from his wardrobe. "You can wear my clothes temporary if you want. It's clean," he offered.

Catherine eyed the clothes and grab it with her hands, then she entered the bathroom to have a quick shower.

When she exited the bathroom, John was waiting for his turn.

John looked at Catherine wearing his clothes. It's the second time the same woman wear his clothes, warm feelings touch his heart. He likes what he saw.

He entered the bathroom and Catherine went back to the kitchen to ogle at the oven. She runs her fingers on its shiny top, imagining herself baking cakes on it. She went back to the cupboard, opens it and touches the baking utensils that were lying there smiling, she likes to have one someday.

When she heard footsteps, she immediately closed the cupboard and sat down on the chair.

John sat on the opposite side...

Their eyes meet.

"I'm inviting you to come here again next Sunday," he casually said, his face was hopeful.

Catherine shook her head. "There will be no next time, John. This will be the last time," she said firmly.

John runs his hands through his hair, a little bit frustrated.

"Catherine, I want us to get closer. To know each other better. I am willing to start a friendship with you first. Let's be friends. Please give me a chance," he begged.

She looked at him, saw the seriousness in his eyes. Is it okay to be friends with your rapist? Is that morally right? How can she move on if she keeps seeing her rapist frequently? What if she totally falls in love with him? Is it morally right to fall in love with your rapist?

John saw the confusion on her face. Then he dropped the BOMB! Right there in front of her.

"I'm willing to marry you. To right my wrong," he said in total honesty and seriousness.

Catherine's eyes grew bigger with his instant proposal.

"Y-you will marry me because you happened to rape me? Is that an atonement of your sin?"

"No. I want to marry you because I love you. My feelings for you are real. I am really serious with you Catherine. I want you in my life now more than ever."

She laughed a little. Wow, a marriage proposal from her rapist? Is it morally right to marry your rapist? How does it sound?

F*cked! She sighed. Everything is wrong! There it is again, the raging conflict inside her mind and heart. When they collide it gives her a headache. Her life is much better and manageable if John is not around. When he is around her, she felt confused. When he is not around, it's much easier to think things straight.

She folded her hands in the table and lay down her head on it and closed her eyes.

John saw the strain and struggle that appeared in her eyes before she closes them. Maybe he rushed his marriage proposal too soon, she's not ready yet. He was just afraid that he will be going to lose her to the men around her. "It's okay Catherine, just think of it thoroughly. But I just want you to know that I will never give up on you," he said.

Catherine heard it a lot of times already. He won't give up on her, that means he will keep pestering her. Forcing his presence on her. What are her options? What are the ways to stop him from pestering her? Hmmm, if she can find a way. But she like his offer of friendship it means he was stepping back a little bit.

"Okay, I accepted your offer of friendship. From now on we will be friends."

John sighed in relief, finally, she granted him his request. "So, you mean to say---? You are willing to spend some time with me? You are willing to come back here?" he just wants to be sure.

"Yes to all!" she smiled brightly at him.

John was a bit puzzled by her willingness to agree to all his request, her reaction earlier was full of negativity and now? He finds it a bit odd though. Nevertheless, he felt happy.

A few moments later, the pizza that John ordered earlier finally arrived. He checked it, it's no longer warm. He heated it inside the oven while Catherine was watching the oven intently.

Later...they brought it inside the mini theater and they watched the latest installment of Avengers~ the Avengers Infinity War while munching on their pizza. John also brought some bottled soft drinks with him.

They enjoyed the movie run.

Time to go home. John and Catherine ride the elevator into the basement, Ramon was already waiting for them inside the car. They were out of the building and into the streets within ten minutes time.

While inside the car, John and Catherine were both silents along the ride.

They accomplished something tonight and that was to start with friendship first. Getting to know each other stage.

John plans to cultivate friendship with Catherine for two months at least...

Next, romancing her for another two months, pleasuring her to no ends.

Then the final stage of his plan is to propose marriage again to Catherine.

Everything was already set in his mind.

One hour later...

When the car stopped at the town plaza, Ramon gets out of the car to give the couple some private moments.

"Were here Catherine, thank you for spending some quality times with me. Let's meet this Sunday again, okay?"

Catherine shook her head. "Not sure, John. Just call and remind me, okay?"

John hovers his mouth above hers...when he kissed her lips, she didn't do anything to stop him. John deepens his kiss, they were sharing a passionate kiss for a few minutes.

It's Catherine that broke the kiss. "I'm going home now, John. Bye," then she exited the door and starts walking away from the car without looking back.

The car only drove away after John saw Catherine rides a tricycle on her way home.

Another more than 2k words chapters done, wow! Enjoy reading guys and I apologize for all the grammar mistakes and typos. Thank you very much for taking the time to commment on chapters, voting, rating and giving the novel your reviews, very much appreciated by me. Take care all. May you have a good day and awesome night ahead of you.

Lizabelle88creators' thoughts
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