
The second awakening.

The Earth shook under me as I ran through the thicket of the forest. Marco followed close behind as he muttered to himself, both of us sharing a grim expression.

We had agreed to check the ship before we returned, for the explosions were in the general vicinity that it had been docked in.

"Ugh, I hate this island." Marco muttered softly as he twitched to the side, dodging a low lying branch and a projected root that looked like it had made it its sole life's goal to trip someone important.

"The terrain is like a mole field the farther away from the town, I don't even know why pops doesn't allow us to just expand into this forest.." he growled darkly as I chuckled.

Even in the serious situation that we were in, I still cracked up at his indignance.

"Eh, if the forest annoys us, then it should annoy anyone who wants to get to the town no?" I asked good spiritedly as I leaned under a suddenly very in-my-face branch.

"Ugh, aren't you even a little worried about your ship?" He asked.

"Eh, a little bit. Again, worrying isn't going to get me anywhere so what is the point? We are doing as much as we can to reach before things get too late, and anxiety is only going to get in the way. I'll funnel up the frustration now and get rid of it later." I answered simply as I twitched.

My observation Haki pricked at my mind as I felt the vague silhouette of a ship at the very precipice of my mind.

"That way." I called out as I swiftly changed direction, now actively leading my ally in the direction of the silent-as-night ship.

Marco nodded mutely as he followed behind.

However, as we neared the ship, I could not help but furrow my brows. There was something off about this situation.

Though I could make out the ship quite clearly now, I could not feel the presence of anyone on it. No sentry Terrick and no sleeping or eating Sorren.

"Something's not right." I called out as I swiftly came to a halt, the explosions that had wracked the ground going silent.

My eyes immediately shot around as I attempted to look at any and all signs that I could discern from the surroundings. My eyes lighting up as I glared at the muddy ground.

"Maybe it was diversion?" Marco asked as he switched to look at me, his eyes briefly looking at my face before his serious expression stiffened further.

The explosions had started again, and where once they had sounded like small cannonballs now they sounded in succession like a waterfall.


Borsolino grinned sadistically as he looked at the child that had fallen before him. Smoke rose from his cratered back as a barely concealed whimper sounded from the unconscious boy's mouth.

His hands were red and raw, as holes gazed back with a ferocity that caused Borsolino a certain measure of joy.

When was it, he wondered when he started to enjoy torturing children? Was it the time when he had first signed up for the Marine Corps, fresh with zealous spirit, before his entire team had been wiped out on a raid?

Or was it when he finally entered the academy, now scrunched up with enough credits to be recognized by an actual instructor instead of a mere ensign? In fact, Borsolino had quite a clear idea on when it was, he just wished not to acknowledge it.

Slowly he pulled his feet up before kicking away the twitching body. The child was as good as dead, like many others had been when 'that man' was done with them.

Now it was time to gain some actual information. Chances were, that he was already discovered what with the sound that he had been making during his interim rage.

With purposeful steps, he walked towards the other man, the one with broken limbs that had passed out, but now woke up as he felt an eerie feeling crawl through his bones.

"Now, will you tell me what I want?" Borsolino asked, ditching his previous sunny tone for a more foreboding and intimidating one.

Terrick looked at him in a daze before his eyes roamed around no doubt hoping to catch sight of his mysterious savior. When he did see Sorren's form though, he jerked as a disbelieving expression entered his bloody face.

Tap. Tap.

Borsolino drew closer each step drawing a fresh jerk out of his victim.

Slowly Terrick glanced at him, his eyes filling with a vitriol that made Borsolino grin.

His eyes grew red as he began to struggle, his broken hand twitching and spasming as he got to his feet shakily.

With twitching fingers, he reached into his pouch flicking out two knives.

"Oh what are you going to do? Stab yourself?" Borsolino taunted as he shot a wave of light at the standing man.

Terrick flinched as the beam of light buried itself in his shoulder. Still he stood shakily. His broken hand twitched as it grabbed the hilt of one of the knives. Then with purposeful strokes, he pushed it towards his face.

Now, Borsolino was curious, arrogant that nothing would be able to change the current situation. So he waited.

With a feral growl, Terrick clenched his teeth grabbing the fabric of his sleeve and a sizeable amount of his skin in his teeth. He was ready.

"Oh! Bravo! ~~" Borsolino called out as he clapped. Then his expression fell and he zoomed towards Terrick.

A laser beam shot towards Terrick's unprotected face as Borsolino leaned under his guard. And When Terrick dodged the beam of light, a second one had appeared speeding to his chin.

With another growl Terrick did the only thing he could with the time he had been given. He dropped his arm, the already broken arm almost obliterated under the pressure of the jab of light.

Borsolino smiled as he rose to his full height, right next to his target as he pushed.

What could Terrick do, other than fall?

As the wounded assassin, toppled Borsolino spoke again.

"Since you aren't cooperating, what about I shoot the child?" Then Terrick lost it.

Here is today's chapter enjoy~

Raiohosorecreators' thoughts
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