
The Lurker

The chain of lightning from Izroth's Call of the Thunder God's First State: Heavenly Descent spread throughout the crowd of Blighted as the two entered the crevice.

Not too long after arriving at the crevice, the Blighted quickly converged on the path's entrance; however, they were unable to fit through as they grouped up and became entangled with one another.

As for the handful of Blighted that managed to slip into the crevice, they were swiftly taken care of by Sychia, who protected the rear.

"There is a dead-end ahead. I also do not see anything that stands out. Are you certain this is the place?" Sychia inquired.

At the end of the short path was nothing but solid rock. And, needless to say, there were no other trails available in the crevice. Currently, their only choice seemed to be to head back towards the direction they had just come from.

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