
Prove Your Worth! The Ancient Hall of Tempris

Instead of a classic wooden sign, it resembled an old and faded scroll that looked as if it would turn into dust if one so much as brushed up against it. However, there was a remarkable amount of powerful energy being emitted by the scroll which caused Izroth and his party to be struck by a constant bombardment of Willpower Checks.

There were only a few words written on the scroll with deep black ink, "Ancient Hall of Tempris". The brush strokes were natural, flowing, smooth, and overall aesthetically pleasing to look at.

'What refined calligraphy.'

Izroth did not know if a real person or the system was the one behind the exquisite calligraphy, but nevertheless, it was a pleasant surprise to run into.

"Ancient Hall of Tempris? I wonder what it means." Mirage said.

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