

I arrived at party wow that is a really huge party I never saw anything like it. It is just like they tell in stories when I see "Eliza" I can't take my eyes off her, she is looking so beauty full in that dress she is standing with her father and meeting with people now I have to wait to see who gay she is going to dance with. After some time a servant comes and whisper into king ears and then he leaves. And every one start dancing "Eliza" seeing right into my eyes with a smile and come where I was standing. A guy blocks her way and asks for a dance, but she is refusing and continue. She came in front of me and ask me to dance with her I say I can't she says (why is that). Then I told her (I don't know how to dace). And then she laughs and says (don't worry, I got this you just have followed my steps). With that, we start dancing I know I am not very good at it but everyone staring at us so I am embarrassed and she says (don't worry just think only two of us is on this room ok). And now that I think about it way is she dancing with me she supposed to dance with someone else what is going on I think something is different I don't know what is going on

And our dance is finished.

What's going on, why is she dancing with me except for, fall in love with someone and dance with him things are starting to change somehow or maybe the book was wrong, no way that is not true or maybe I change history again without knowing it?

When I am thinking about it "Eliza" is disappeared, I start to look for but when I can't see her I know what happened, I ran to some guard's and tell them princess is getting kidnaped again and run into the terrace to see outside when I see it a carriage is start move for outside of the castle I scream stop that carriage don't let it leave carriage start to run crashing down the solder's and run away.

Sorry for the CliffHanger Guys

BillyRazcreators' thoughts
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