
An army a day keeps the doctor away.

After quickly using inspect on his newfound skill, Ark was quickly a little disappointed. This new skill of his only allowed him to convey faint emotions, and nothing else, which meant that communicating in his wolf form was still off the table. But the chance of communication in the future was still there, and Ark was still excited at the prospect. After thinking to himself for a little while, Ark quickly realised that he had just been thanked by the mother bear.

He also realised that it probably looked weird from the bother bear's point of view. She had just thanked him, and he just blanked out completely as a result, which probably looked really odd. Since he couldn't speak, Ark quickly tried out his new skill, and hoped that it would yield some kind of result. He tilted his head slightly, and he stared straight into the mother bear's eyes. The mother bear could feel the wavelengths of mana that entered her brain, and the emotion that was attached to them.

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