
Ryn needs me more

Whether she liked it or not, Ryn had to wait for Mika. She changed her mind to go downstairs to get a taxi and sat on the couch waiting.

She was a bit worried that she would get late so she called the driving agency to tell them she would be a bit late. The woman who answered the call told her to take her time and do not be worried. It made her feel slightly relieved.

She leaned to the couch and closed her eyes. While waiting, might as well stealing the time for a short nap.

She woke up with the call from Mika. She rubbed her eyes sleepily and went to the kitchen to wash her face. Finally, her 'car' has arrived. Her blurred mind was trying to remind her not to break the news about her date tonight when she was with Mika. She must watch whatever she said today.

Mika smiled happily when Ryn opened the door and gave a sleepy greeting at her.

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