The young man who had tamed the beasts and stepped into the midst of the apricot trees was, of course, none other than Zhang Xuan.
Seeing that there were so many beasts who wielded strength on par with the Five Monarchs, there was no way that he was going to pass on this ideal opportunity to bolster his forces. Thus, when he saw the tree branches whipping them viciously, his first reaction had been to dash forward and save them before pummeling them himself.
Through injecting the Heaven's Path zhenqi into their bodies, he was able to heal their injuries and remove whatever traumas were within their bodies. His actions had immediately won him the respect and gratitude of the beasts, and they had willingly acknowledged him as their master.
At that very moment, he was completely surrounded by a thick layer of apricot trees. They were eyeing him intently, and it seemed as if they would lash him dead the moment that he showed an opening.
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