
Chapter 37: The Truth About Gin?! Part 1

Coco begins to change her weapon to a massive minigun and starts shooting Gin, but Gin is able to evade all of her shots. Gin then lands in between his opponents, and then touches Fox and suddenly his body was heavy to the point he couldn't stand. Then Gin changes his armor to an Bustersword and slashed it at Yatsuhashi, but he blocks it.

Yatsuhashi: Ugh! You weren't kidding Fox! He is strong!

Fox: Ghh! I can't move!

Velvet: Fox! Yatsuhashi! Are you okey?!

Gin: Do you think you have time to worried about others?!

Gin jumps up high in the air by using Yatsuhashi as a stepping stone and lands behind Velvet, kicking her to Fox and change his weapon to a Roket launcher and shot them.

Velvet/Fox: Ahhhh!

Coco: Velvet!! Fox! Grrr, you pay for that!

Yatsuhashi: Wait! Calm down, Coco!

Coco then rushes at Gin with her changed weapon that turns back to a briefcase and hits Gin hand, Gin suddenly shines and everyone was suprised when they saw that he was a Wolf Faunus.

Gin: Oh.....Well i guess cat's out of the bag, Yes! Im a Faunus, i used this ring i always carry to hide my appearance for you all! {Of course im lying to them and change part of my armor to a small ring, but i think this is the right choise!}

Cardin: Hah! Another animal freak joins the class!

Gin: Hahaha! Oh Cardin, you are a simple minded fool in the end.

Cardin: What you say!?

Gin: I hope that you know is that discrimination is wrong and is not allowed here at Beacon Academy! But still you do it, Why?!

Cardin: Hmph! Becase Faunus is not welcome in this world!

Gin: And why is that?

Cardin: Becase they are freaks! Everyone knows that!!

Gin: So? You want to be a Huntsman with that kind of attitude!

Coco: Umm..... weren't we fighting some second ago?

Velvet: Yeah.....

Glynda: Mister Winchster and Rolios, please have your argument after class.

Gin: Oh right! We're fighting right now!

While Gin was preparing his fighting stance, Team RWBY looks at Gin with confusion.

Weiss: He is a Faunus!!!

Ruby: Wow! I never saw that coming!

Yang: No kidding! But man, he looks so wild now!

Blake: Yang, you are drooling!

Yang: Oh Crap!...Wait im not drooling!

Blake/Weiss: Could have fooled me!

Ruby: Ahahaha!!!

The fight goes on in a different fasion, Yatsuhashi starts by swinging his big sword against Gin, while Velvet and Coco supports him with range shots. Gin blocks the attack and deflect it of Yatsuhashi, hands and it went straight to Velvet.

Velvet: Ahhh!

Glynda: Velvet's Aura lvl is red, please leave the arena.

Coco: Velvet!! Why you!

Coco starts shooting her minigun right at Gin and Yatsuhashi, but Gin sweeps Yatsuhashi's leg and liftning him up as a shield and was dashing at Coco.

Yatsuhashi: Ow,ow!! Coco Stop!

Coco: !? Im sorry!

Then Fox appears and hits Gin from behind with a fury of blows and was sending him back.

Gin: Ow, Ouch! Not bad!

Fox: you're not bad either.

Gin used his armor and made it like Yangs gauntlets and both of them were dashing at each other and was trading blows with each other.

Fox: Ghh! He is too fast!!

Fox coulden't keep up on Gin fast pace and power and was blown away and was sent flying out of the arena.

Glynda: Fox, your Aura is in the red, please go back and watch the rest of the match.

Yatsuhashi: It's just us Coco! We need to fight smart!

Coco: I know that! He could keep up with Fox and trade blows with you, he's not someone we can take lightly!

Thank you for supporting this novel and i will continue as planned :)

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