Gin:?!.....What.....was that!? (Waking up)
Gin: (Splashing Water on his face.){Well that was a nightmare, it was so vivid....But what the hell kind of dream was that!? A conversation with.....Myself? Still, it-it felt so real? i do wonder... system?}
System: Yes, Gin?
Gin: Did anything....happen to me while i was asleep?
System: Nothing that will hurt you, so no Gin....
Gin: "sigh" i see, thanks.
System: Your welcome, Gin!
Aria: Yes! We managed to arrive in time together, so we can all sit together!
Elenor: Considering our first class is combat, i don't think we'll be doing much sitting around.
Gin: {Combat Class....We're going to spar against fellow students and have been told to bring our weapons, i can't wait!}
Lea: Gin, remind me again who's the professor in charge of this class?
Gin: Oh, it's actually someone we already know.
Then "Glynda Goodwitch" walked in and the entire classroom falls silent.
Glynda: Good morning, children. I hope you've enjoyed your time here at school, Now i also hope you haven't slacked off too much....
Gin:{Still as intimidating and commanding as i rememberd you.}
Glynda: Now then, Formal introductions are all well and good, but... this being Combat Class, i think a better introduction would be better in battle!
Yang: Awwh yeah!
Glynda: Well let's begin with Pyrrha Nikos, and her opponent is.... Lea Accemin.
Pyrrha: Good luck!
Lea: You too!!
Pyrrha took out her spear and shield while Lea took out his mace, preparing for battle, the two stand on each end staring at each other.
Glynda: Well then, the rules are simple, in this tournament style duel, if your Aura is low thats what end this match. Now then, let's begin!!
Lea starts the attack by charging head on, The mace connect with her shield making a loud noise. She push back with her shield and then throws it at him, which hits Lea in the face. She then flips backwards and open fire with the rifle-form of her weapon, But Lea defends himself with his mace, turning it bigger and deflect her shots. But he didn't see Pyrrha's fast approach and knocked Lea on to the ground with her sweep of a leg snd was pointing her spear at him.
Glynda: And that's match, the winner is Pyrrha Nikos!!!
Lea: Aww man, I lost!
Pyrrha: You did well! (Stretching arm)
Lea: Heh, You too! (Grabs it)
Glynda: Now then, who's next?
Yang: Can i do it!
Glynda: Yang Xiao Long? It is fine, and your opponent is..... Russel Thrush!
Cardin: Heh, go and show her how to really fight!
Russel: Haha! This will be easy.
While they were about to fight, Gin thought's was not in the fight.
Gin:{....Why did i dream about myself?! And in my previous human form when i was from Earth!?.....And that mask... it gave me the shivers, i don't understand what's going on!?}
Glynda: And the winner is Yang Xiao Long!!
Yang: Wasn't breaking a sweat!
Russel: You got lucky!
Yang: Dude, you were knocked out when i just hit you once!
Russel: Grrr!
Cardin: Hmph, come back Russel!
Glynda: Well then, we have room for one more fight, lets see.... Gin Rolios!
Gin: Hmm? Yes?
Glynda: You will be facing against..... Nora Valkyre!
Nora: Oh yeah!! Its my turn! You are going down!! (Pointing at Gin)
Ren: Nora... Calm down.
Gin: Heh, not if you are going down first!!(Smirks)
Nora: Oh it is on!!
Glynda: Now prepare yourself!!
Nora took out her "Magnhild" warhammer and was ready to strike while Gin had his armor "Mixi Morph" on.
Glynda: Well then.....Begin!!
Nora/Gin: Haaaaaaaaaah!!!!!