
Business Partners

From what James had learnt of the Outer district so far there was one restaurant that stood above all the others, it was called 'The Sun and the Stars'. It was a genuinely pretentious name, but apparently, they had the reputation to back it up, they sold food there that was supposedly better than some of the inner city restaurants.

The Sun and the Stars had played it smart by staying in the outer district, why be a low-level business in the inner district when it can be at the top of the market outside it?

This restaurant was precisely where Mr Fletcher was taking James for their meal. This restaurant was a place well known for their private rooms, while frequently utilised by wealthy clients for individual interactions of a sensitive nature it was a familiar business ground as well. Upon entering James recognised some smells and couldn't place some others, but regardless of what he could smell it made him hungry nonetheless.

"Please James, after you; I know the owner here so I was able to get us a room where we can talk" Mr Fletcher guided James towards a door on the top floor of the building into one of the private rooms that were located around the edge of the central dining area.

The room was clearly designed to have a calming atmosphere to be conducive to making deals; it could be seen to what level of detail the owner of the Sun and the Stars had planned the building through the minor detail taken in the rooms. The whole restaurant had been meticulously designed. After James entered and Mr Fletcher closed the door behind him he realised he couldn't hear outside of the room.

"Wondering why you can't hear outside?" Merchant Fletcher asked with a hearty laugh that made his belly shake, one of his favourite things was watching peoples reactions when they realised they couldn't hear the outside anymore. "There are crystals that absorb vibrations in the walls to prevent sound from getting in or out of the room" Mr Fletcher patiently explained to James.

"This place really was meticulously designed. I hope the care taken in the food is just as meticulous; I haven't eaten amazing food in the longest time." James let out a sigh as he remembered his circumstances from his last life, the more he experienced in this new world, the more he realised just how much he had taken for granted and how much was wasted. Just counting the opportunities he had missed to live a fantastic life alone would make your skin crawl, yet there was no medicine for regret, so he just had to ignore the emotion in his chest.

"So tell me, James, how did you make those weapons so strong?" Mr Fletcher looked at James with an intent gaze as if he was trying to peer into his brain to pull out the answers he wanted. He indeed was a businessman cutting straight to the point.

"Mr Fletcher, I've been wondering if there is any way for me to protect my ideas from being stolen by competitors? I have a lot of things I would like to do, but I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to protect them well enough to attempt them. The method to strengthen the swords was honestly a scrap of a thought I cooked up, it is nothing compared to the ideas I have."

The more Mr Fletcher listened, the more he felt that James was either insane or an untapped gold mine.

"There are no places to protect ideas as of now, but I suppose with the right connections and sufficient funding it could be made relatively easy, is this one of your ideas? I had truly never thought of this method to squash competitors before they even began" The longer Fletcher thought on the idea, the brighter the shine in his eyes got.

"I would like to design a system I will call patenting, you can apply for a patent, and after verifying that your design or product is unique, it will give you legal protection to be able to prove that someone else had stolen your intellectual property. Naturally to make a patent there would have to be a charge but for that charge, we offer complete discretion."

"Tell me, Mr Fletcher, is there any way to make someone unable to go against your commands?"

"Hmm, I suppose you could technically use a soul contract where you set your terms, and they accept although I have never seen it used in such a way if they broke the terms of the contract their soul would be shredded leaving them unable to even continue in the cycle of reincarnation. Truly a horrible way to die, no it's more than death it's effectively erasing them" After saying that a visible ripple appeared over Mr Fletcher's large stomach as he shivered.

"The main concern with this type of venture is making sure your employees cannot just turn around and sell the patent information including the designs and specifics to business competitors, so this soul contract as you put it would be a necessary evil I'm afraid. Anyway provided they don't leak any of the info they wouldn't be restricted in any other way so provided the job pays well I'm sure there will be plenty of people willing to do it."

It was only now that Merchant Fletcher Realised that the conversation had been controlled entirely by this youth who was maximum 13 years old in front of him. "Do you mind if I ask how old you are James?"

"I am 12 years old and will turn 13 in just under three months" James responded looking at Fletcher's reaction, this was the real test of whether they would be able to conduct business together, whether or not Fletcher could get past James' age and see him for what he was worth. Which thankfully was a lot.

Merchant Fletcher had always been a man obsessed with money so unbeknownst to James he hadn't asked him his age because he was too young, he wanted to know his age to see how long he would be able to work with him and his game-changing ideas.

"Haha, brilliant. Okay, young man tell me what percentage would you like in this patent office as you put it?"

"I want full ownership." James bluntly stated to Mr Fletcher leaving him with a sour look on his face

Sorry for the lack of action so far, I just don't think it would be right at the moment. Mc would probably be trying his hardest to avoid trouble.

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