

They would doomed now, "The specific disciple is a girl, sixteen years old with arrow shapes on her both hands nails, we don't know how she broke the Blank Net third level Essence Net, her fellows might have helped her, they were Old Creeks, old Creek are power of that low tier sphere but it's impossible for them to make crack in the Blank Net, the girl is fearsome," they recounted her face filled with anger.

Xuan Rong got infuriated to hear this, his heir was a girl, a young girl of sixteen but legacy had completed two hundred years in the low tier sphere, he was mad with anger, he slapped them and they sent flying both faces paled, cracks appeared on their cheeks following with blood dripped from cuts.

He was awe-inspiring existence for many sphere and Lord of Celestial Sphere and his heir was a tender young girl, he was clearly disappointed, how could she succeeded his great standing and become the next Defender of Celestial Sphere.

If other spheres and the Manias of this Sphere came to know that a young tender girl would be next Defender then they would find ways to occupy and destroy Celestial Sphere.

Many greedy eyes were earnestly looking for opportunity.

He strike his foot against the ground in anger and in ground several fishers appeared with rumbling in down side, huge damage occurred with his one simple strike.

Sleuth Custodian appeared with frightened heart, this strike was evident of his anger, "What made great Lord Xuan Rong angry, may Custodian will be of help?" he bowed with respect, "Few people are lost in the Glade of Dark Sight, find them, one of them is girl," he ordered this Custodian, he lepta from Defender Hacienda in an instant.

He took with him few Custodian Spirits, few days long he searched the area completely but other than few weaklings he found nothing else, he came back leaving two Custodian Spirits in the area to search more.

Protectors and Creeks were thrown in front of Xuan Rong, Custodian explained his venture and spoke, "Lord Defender I fear that the girl is fell in the Glade of Dark Sight," he don't want to explain further because everyone was aware of the certainty of Dark Sight, once one fell there one would never be able to find his way back until death comes.

When someone recited about Glade of Dark Sight, protectors and creeks lost their last hope too, now they thought they were doomed too.

The girl was none other than Jen Ming and they had complete trust over her since she was able to break open the Blank Net who knows how much powerful was that?"

Everyone was thinking that his single palm would turn these weaklings into meat waste at any moment, "Let them live in Celestial Sphere for the time being, they respected people of their land, I am not willing to disregard them."

Others fell in agape, why he was this generous so sudden?

He was never generous or merciful as they knew his anger very well.

Listening this protector and creeks fell on the floor with gratitude that he not only spared their lives but also let them live in this place of Order.

"Continue the search to find the girl," he ordered and disappeared, he the Lord of Celestial Sphere and knew how Vitality Essence Space worked here, the space of Celestial Sphere was his territory.

He would find ways to explore the Glade of Dark Sight one day and bring out that ignorant girl. There was no harm to let these weaklings live in Celestial Sphere.

Celestial Sphere was not short of resources in any way and with these people it would not affect Celestial Sphere in least count…

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