
[Bonus chapter]They weren't too happy

As the two men disappeared out the door, Chief Ren couldn't help but laugh. He looks at Yue Ling and Lu Tian and smiles.

"I'm glad to see that everyone is adjusting well with one another."

His eyes glanced down to the young couple's hands still in twined together, and his heart softened.

He looks at Lu Tian, but this time, his expression turns serious.

"As one of Yue Ling's elders, I hope you treat her well. If I hear even the smallest wrong you've done to her, I will be coming after you."

He knows that Lu Tian will never do anything to harm Yue Ling, but he still wanted to give a warning as her elder.

Lu Tian was befuddled by Chief Ren's words yet maintained a composed posture. He couldn't understand why everyone kept thinking of him lightly.

He may be ruthless towards others, but never towards his wife. She is the last person he ever wants to hurt.

However, understanding Chief Ren's point of view, he nods his head.

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