
Origin of the noises

Approaching the front door to their home, Yue Ling held a frowning expression. She looks around their front courtyard as the sound of construction she heard in her sleep was still ongoing. However, no matter where she looked, she couldn't see anything out of place or work on.

"What's wrong?"

From the side of her, Lu Tian asks when he saw his wife looking around. He also heard the sound of construction work, but he pays no mind to it.

Yue Ling's frown remained in place. She glances around again but seeing nothing again, she shakes her head.

"It's nothing. I was just thinking our neighbors might be renovation their house or building something."

Her words fell, and her frown disappears, but she tilts her head like she was pondering her thoughts.

"But it's strange now that I think about it."

She leans closer to Lu Tian like she would tell him a secret and did want anyone to hear.

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