
made up my mind

Morning finally came as the sun began to shine brightly over Imperial. It beams with warmth to welcome a new day for those awake.

*knock knock

While the people went on with their usual day, a light knock sounds from behind the door to a private ward inside Imperial Military Hospital.

Without waiting for an answer, the doorknob turned, and the door is slowly pushed open as if to not make a sound.

Grandfather Ji quietly enters the room to check on his granddaughter. He was no longer wearing his military uniform, but clothe in a gray loungewear set. In his hand was a blue shopping bag.

The time was half past eight in the morning, but he wasn't sure if Yue Ling was already up or still asleep. He made sure everything that follows after the knock was done so quiet, that no sound could be heard.

However, to his surprise, Yue Ling was already up.

She wasn't laying down on the hospital bed but was sitting on a chair near the window.

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