
A little reminder

Darkest engulfs Imperial as the underworld turned into silence. Ever since the message Fate sent out had been made, every gang made sure to not cause havoc.

As this message meant that someone was going to die. Only, they do not know who.

However, this meeting was not taking place in the Retro or Glory.

In the far distance of Retro, a red luxury car pulls up to a dark six-story building that stood at the peak of a mountain near the coastline. The tress if the mountain stood around the place like a barrier.

This place looked like it had been abandoned for years with no one in sight, but despite its vacancy, one can see how well kept it still is. There is no trash in plain sight and the windows have not been boarded up.

Under the dark sky, this building looked very stunning, but at the same time, it gave off a very gloomy feeling that makes one shiver.

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